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What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

this morn on the radio station I listen to here in Philly area the DJ's asked the audience to call the station to tell them what costume did your parents make you wear for Halloween that you absolutely hated.


some of the stories were very funny.


Most of my costumes i had for Halloween were the box store bought ones. Many were hand me downs. Some Halloween's we didn't wear costumes (grew up in the upper Midwest and sometimes the cold and snow froze us out for Halloween.


I can not remember any costume that i never really disliked.



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Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

I have to say I always liked my costumes. My mom was very clever and always helped me come up with great costumes. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

[ Edited ]

We always made our costumes from whatever we could find around the house.  My mother never helped us.  She allowed us to wear what we wanted and we had a lot of fun.


One year, my youngest sister went to a Halloween party as Cousin It.  We put a pillow case over her head and cut out eyes for her to see, then stapled brown paper streamers  to the pillowcase until she was covered from shoes to the top of her head.  We plopped a hat and glasses on her.  She won first prize for best costume.


When my children were young, I always made their costumes and it took me a while.  Once year I sewed three clown costumes.  They were pretty involved and complicated.  My oldest son refused to wear his because the legs were baggy.  He finally agreed to wear his if I put rubber bands around his legs to slim down the legs. After that, I never made anything for Halloween unless they asked me too.


 But I surely made a lot of Christmas costumes ..angels, Mary, Joseph and animals and St. Francis for bible school.  My son had his picture in the local paper dressed in his St Francis costume, but his teacher put it on him backwards.


These are fun memories.

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Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

@viva923     The only time I hated a costume is when my mother made me put on a sweater or a coat over it when trick or treating. 
What was the point in dressing up if no one was going to see my costume? 😜

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Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

@Carmie wrote:

We always made our costumes from whatever we could find around the house.  My mother never helped us.  She allowed us to wear what we wanted and we had a lot of fun.


One year, my youngest sister went to a Halloween party as Cousin It.  We put a pillow case over her head and cut out eyes for her to see, then stapled brown paper streamers  to the pillowcase until she was covered from shoes to the top of her head.  We plopped a hat and glasses on her.  She won first prize for best costume.


When my children were young, I always made their costumes and it took me a while.  Once year I sewed three clown costumes.  They were pretty involved and complicated.  My oldest son refused to wear his because the legs were baggy.  He finally agreed to wear his if I put rubber bands around his legs to slim down the legs. After that, I never made anything for Halloween unless they asked me too.


 But I surely made a lot of Christmas costumes ..angels, Mary, Joseph and animals and St. Francis for bible school.  My son had his picture in the local paper dressed in his St Francis costume, but his teacher put it on him backwards.


These are fun memories.

@Carmie I also made my children a lot of Halloween and Christmas pagent costumes.  I am not great at sewing but my DH learned from his sister and helped out a lot.  I could fashion anything out of a hooded sweat shirt.  My first was Blue from Blue"s Clues when my oldest DD was 18 months.  I went on to make Dumbo, Clifford.  I made my DD a donkey costume out of a hooded sweat shirt as well for her first Christmas pagent.  She absolutely hated it.  The next year I used a men's extra large t-shirt to make her an angel costume that she wore for both Halloween and Christmas.  She liked  that much better. 

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Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

First off this was the 1960s so the masks were horrible. My mom made me be Lucille Ball. It snowed and it was freezing, the clothing and boots then were not what they are now. She jammed the dress part of the costume over my coat. I felt like a sausage. Then the mask. It was horrible in the cold. It was freezing inside it from my breathing! After three houses I told her I want to go home. The next morning I threw that mask in the garbage. Ahhh the memories huh? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

@Carmie wrote:

We always made our costumes from whatever we could find around the house.  My mother never helped us.  She allowed us to wear what we wanted and we had a lot of fun.


One year, my youngest sister went to a Halloween party as Cousin It.  We put a pillow case over her head and cut out eyes for her to see, then stapled brown paper streamers  to the pillowcase until she was covered from shoes to the top of her head.  We plopped a hat and glasses on her.  She won first prize for best costume.


When my children were young, I always made their costumes and it took me a while.  Once year I sewed three clown costumes.  They were pretty involved and complicated.  My oldest son refused to wear his because the legs were baggy.  He finally agreed to wear his if I put rubber bands around his legs to slim down the legs. After that, I never made anything for Halloween unless they asked me too.


 But I surely made a lot of Christmas costumes ..angels, Mary, Joseph and animals and St. Francis for bible school.  My son had his picture in the local paper dressed in his St Francis costume, but his teacher put it on him backwards.


These are fun memories.

No one had store bought costumes when I was young, and it was great. Nothing commercial then, no one had money to waste on things like that. We grab things in the closet and made due.

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Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

my sister and I  were Southern belles.  My mother bought two of these costumes and we had to wear them year after year and when neighbors asked us what we were we always had to say Southern belles.  I was so embarrassed.  They had these little pancake hats with ribbons.  The material was like coated with plastic.  Here is the cosest picture to the material I could find:


southern belle.jpg

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

Ours were the plastic mask variety worn with our regular clothes so I didn't hate any of them. I remember being a princess, Yogi Bear and witch doctor. Elaborate and creative costumes were not part of our lives back then. We did get to wear our masks at school and had a classroom party.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What Halloween costume did you dislike as a kid

@newname0 wrote:

my sister and I  were Southern belles.  My mother bought two of these costumes and we had to wear them year after year and when neighbors asked us what we were we always had to say Southern belles.  I was so embarrassed.  They had these little pancake hats with ribbons.  The material was like coated with plastic.  Here is the cosest picture to the material I could find:


southern belle.jpg@newname0 looks like they raided the linen closet for a sheet or tablecloth!