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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

Irritating to me are:

Liberty Mutual-it is on way too much

The baby pig on a leash going to the bank-just plain stupid

The Heart Failure commercial where they sing"The Sun will come out tomorrow"-it is on far too much!

Also there is one where a lady is walking down the street getting ready to eat some chips, and these two police run up to her and they keep saying No, hey wait and it is just so silly, it really gets on my nerves....

Geico commercials

I agree any of the ones that they side effects are worse than the condition. It is just ridiculous!!!!!!!


I do like the Time Warner commerical where this couple are selling their house, and they go back to their house supposedly after an Open House, and all of the nieghbors are over there watching t.v....It is just so silly that it's funny to me!!!!!!!!And the porr realtor is in the kitchen ringing her hands!!!LOL!

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

Each new person they get to play Colonel Sanders on the KFC commercials is CREEPIER than the one they replaced.


I've thought Flo was annoying since day one and can't believe Progressive still uses this concept/theme for its commercials.

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

I CANNOT stand the viagra or whatever the pill commercial is promoting.  The women and what they say while trying to be sexy makes me want to barf!!

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

GAWD I hate the sun will come up tomorrow commercial.  Can't hit mute fast enough!!!

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

[ Edited ]

@LIndaMJ wrote:

One of the most annoying commercials to me is the Safelite windshield replacement one. "Safelite repairs, Safelite replace".

That one gets on my nerves too.  A few years ago our windshield was busted by a baseball.  We called Safelite, but they don't serve our area.  I keep wishing those commercials would go away since we couldn't be their customers even if we wanted to.  

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

99% of commercials don't bother me, but the one that does is Bon Jovie wailing about turning back time, then that dumb, stupid smirk that he gives at the end.




Can't mute fast enough!

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

Good-T-Go Auto Insurance.  They replaced the obnoxious bobblehead named Mini Mo with a lady being pulled over, with a frightened child in the backseat. 

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

[ Edited ]

@wildcat fan wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

Any commercial with a doorbell is a major annoyance when you've got 4 dogs.

I feel the same about commercials/shows with ringing cell phones.  I know I drive DH nuts asking, "Was that my phone?"

@wildcat fan  yes and the construction or car backing up noise---BEEP BEEP BEEP like its not annoying enough!!!


@Kachina624  There's an advertisement for flea prevention where a cat cries....and my cats always look around the room wondering where that other cat is...LOL!!! I can only imagine the door bell with your 4 dogs!!!

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

The one showing people cleaning their earwax

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

[ Edited ]

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

I have a Tivo, so I almost never watch live TV and fast forward through commercials, missing almost all of them.


I don't like the KFC Colonel ads, either. Why do they keep changing the actor? Why did the first one sound like a bad George W Bush impersonator? Why bring back an antebellum plantation image at this point in American history? (Even though the real Col. Sanders lived 1890-1980, he looks like he stepped right off the set of Gone with the Wind.)


But my vote for most annoying ad is a local ad that plays in the middle of the day or late at night because they can't afford prime time. It's an ad for a law firm and all they did was repeat their phone number over and over again.


See it here:


It was so ubiquitous that a florist made a parody ad out of it, which you can see here:



@ChynnaBlue  Well the lawyer in San Antonio must have seen that commercial so he developed his version.....

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”