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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

I agree about the pretzel lady!  Can't change the channel fast enough.  She sure is creepy!!!!  Also quickly change the channel when the dumb McConnaughy commercials come on.  Oh, and stop all the toilet tissue commercials!  Did they really need to become so crude to sell their product?  

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

The Silk Soymilk "DO PLANTS"....omg that music, or whatever it is, just drives me nuts!

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

The Forest Service commercials.  They play them 3 times in a row....ugh. 

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

I agree with another poster.....the girl doing the car insurance commercials in front of the Statue of Liberty...


The older man singing " The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow"

a medicine commercial


And the commercial where the woman is in the car with her husband and thanks him for taking out the garbage...EVERYTIME that is on my husband says "you don't thank me for taking  out the garbage"  ....and i say "i will the next time you thank me for cleaning the toilet"...ha


just to name a few!

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

@newziesuzie wrote:

@Mz iMac wrote:



"I don't usually  don't post on this forum"


Really?  According to your profile... 

Posts: 1,040


You could have fooled me! Smiley Very Happy


@Mz iMac I think @mustang66lady means

"this forum Community Chat. " 

Some posters stick to one forum in the

Q board most of their posting time.😊




You hit the nail on the head!  I usually post on the recipe forum.  Thank you for explaining for me-what a sweet thing for you to do!  Woman Happy



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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

I think that's why I watch the shopping channels because there are no commercials.

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

All the commercials for pills where the side effects are way worse than the condition you are already in.I can't change the channel fast enough. 

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

Cannibalistic cereal commercials bother me.  It's so good it will eat the same thing next to it.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

Local car salesman screaming and acting like young boys.

Local lawyers hollering "I got so and so 63,000 when she was clipped by another car and I can do the same for you" blah, blah 


what he doesn't say is out of that 63,000 he got half , so, the poor gal may have 30,000 and hospital took that. LOL

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

@Kachina624 wrote:

Any commercial with a doorbell is a major annoyance when you've got 4 dogs.

I can't tell if it's on TV or my front door and in this heat I stay in my gown all the time, so, I get up and run for cover. LOL