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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen


@kittyloo wrote:

In a completely different part of the country.  So excited. 

        So we live in the PNW now. Decided to leave the west Coast for various reasons. 

Found a beautiful house in NE Louisiana. Saw photos on Realtor. Com.        Fabulous house and price. 

Pulled the trigger, and it's locked in as ours.

  We are flying out tomorrow to view it , and take some vacation time to explore the area. 

So excited to explore a different part of the country.



Any update for us??

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@DiAnne wrote:

I live in the PNW also and our real estate prices are so overinflated right now that I know three families who have put their houses on the market to cash out.  They are all moving to states with a much lower cost of living.  I have thought about it but I want to stay on the West Coast and nothing is cheap so I am staying put. 

@DiAnne, I'm sure that some people have to make such a move. But if one doesn't, there are other factors that can take precedence.


We know how much farther our money would go in several other states, but they would be a difficult fit for us.



~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@decaf wrote:

Unfortunately there's sad stories in the news now of first time (mostly) homebuyers who've forgone a home inspection.  One buyer, a lady was crying, "this should be illegal". It's great for an unscrupulous seller and RE agent, the only one who is gambling (big) is the buyer.

@decaf, I think that if there is to be any blame, it's with the gambler. The seller and agent spell it out quite clearly.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

How exciting! I know many military families who have bought homes sight unseen. There's a lot you can research from a distance, and if you have money to fix the problems, why not? I hope it's a wonderful new chapter of life for you!  

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

Everything that the posters are asking is usually in the Contract. There is also a certain amount of time that the buyer has to cancel the sale.  It´s called ¨due diligence¨. It gives the buyer the right to have an inspection within a certain amount of time. It protects the buyer.






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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

[ Edited ]

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@decaf wrote:

Unfortunately there's sad stories in the news now of first time (mostly) homebuyers who've forgone a home inspection.  One buyer, a lady was crying, "this should be illegal". It's great for an unscrupulous seller and RE agent, the only one who is gambling (big) is the buyer.

@decaf, I think that if there is to be any blame, it's with the gambler. The seller and agent spell it out quite clearly.

@suzyQ3What specifically do the seller and agent spell out? 

Eta-  The laws do differ state to state.

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

We can find out so many things online now that this seems doable.

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@decaf wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@decaf wrote:

Unfortunately there's sad stories in the news now of first time (mostly) homebuyers who've forgone a home inspection.  One buyer, a lady was crying, "this should be illegal". It's great for an unscrupulous seller and RE agent, the only one who is gambling (big) is the buyer.

@decaf, I think that if there is to be any blame, it's with the gambler. The seller and agent spell it out quite clearly.

@suzyQ3  I never mentioned "blame"

What specifically do the seller and agent spell out?

I was referring to your "unscrupulous seller and RE agent."


I'm not sure what you are asking regarding what is spelled out, @decaf.The seller can include that the buyer forgo an inspection.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

I'm surprise that anyone would buy a house without getting an inspection. It's not that expensive and it would be worth it.
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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@decaf wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@decaf wrote:

Unfortunately there's sad stories in the news now of first time (mostly) homebuyers who've forgone a home inspection.  One buyer, a lady was crying, "this should be illegal". It's great for an unscrupulous seller and RE agent, the only one who is gambling (big) is the buyer.

@decaf, I think that if there is to be any blame, it's with the gambler. The seller and agent spell it out quite clearly.

@suzyQ3  I never mentioned "blame"

What specifically do the seller and agent spell out?

I was referring to your "unscrupulous seller and RE agent."


I'm not sure what you are asking regarding what is spelled out, @decaf.The seller can include that the buyer forgo an inspection.

@suzyQ3  I'm confused by your response to me. What did you meant by "the seller and agent spell " it "out quite clearly".  What is IT?


No, a seller doesn't normally say "no inspections" up front in the listing. Sometimes, many times now,  buyers decide to forgo an inspection because a real estate agent pressures them, tells them they'll have a better chance to compete to get the house if they do (multiple offers, etc.). forgo the inspection.  This is bad news in states where the RE agent has no fiduciary respnsibility.