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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

I'm happy that you're happy about it.  I would be too.


I wish for you that it is everything you hope it is.



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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@Kachina624 wrote:

Twice I saw the houses before I bought them but I had one afternoon to look at houses and make a choice.  I don't have a problem making decisions.  I like both of them and have lived in the second one for 21 years. 

Great that you had an easy ride with this, seriously.  I always have trouble making decisions.  I feel that a decent amount of steady support is key.

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen


You've locked it in sight unseen?  Have you had a home inspection done beforehand?  Do you have a local attorney representing you in the transaction?  Real Estate Agents and Title Clerks are not legal representatives.


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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@DiAnne wrote:

I live in the PNW also and our real estate prices are so overinflated right now that I know three families who have put their houses on the market to cash out.  They are all moving to states with a much lower cost of living.  I have thought about it but I want to stay on the West Coast and nothing is cheap so I am staying put. 

@DiAnne   Interesting to hear this.  I have friends who live in middle Tennessee.  They're suddenly getting an influx of folks from the PNW.  I didn't understand why but your post helps clarify the situation.  

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@suzyQ3 wrote:

I cannot think of a reason that we would ever forgo a professional inspection by an inspector who was totally neutral.


We saved a fortune not buying a house that apparently could slide down the hill in the backyard.

@suzyQ3 we have a few houses in our neighborhood that are doing that.  The flippers come in, put a bandaid on the structural issues, make the inside absolutely beautiful and sell it for twice what they paid for it before the issues start all over again.


I do feel sorry for unsuspecting buyers, even with inspections they are being sold for big money.

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

Hope for the best in this deal for you.  Please let us know how it turns out for you.  

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen



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There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

Wow, I would NEVER buy a house sight unseen. Never. We bought a boat in Wisconsin, we live in Michigan. Found it online and made the trip, around Lake Michigan, to look at it then took another trip around the lake to actually buy it and bring it home. I see car commercials about buying a car online and having it delivered right to your door. I always ask "who buys a car without seeing it?"

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

I wish you the best and hope it all works out for you!!

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

[ Edited ]

@suzyQ3 wrote:

I cannot think of a reason that we would ever forgo a professional inspection by an inspector who was totally neutral.


We saved a fortune not buying a house that apparently could slide down the hill in the backyard.

Years ago, I was a realtor in southern Calif. One of my co-workers listed a house in Westlake Village, CA - upscale area - and she told me that the engineering inspector said the house is sliding. She gave up the listing. Many realtors sell BAD houses - they care more about their commission. Also, what bothers one person, may not bother another. A very important factor when purchasing a home - is how it faces - which rooms get the sun in the morning - and afternoon.

The back of my house faces south - I get sun all afternoon in most of my rooms. The people who purchased homes across the street - are always COLD.