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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

Have fun on your adventure. I wish you much happiness and excitement in your new location.

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@kittyloo  That's amazing! Hope it all works out for you. Our neighbors bought the house two doors down during the pandemic, sight unseen as well. It is the most expensive house in the neighborhood! We were all joking if they had met the neighbors, they might not have bought it - hahaha! They are a lovely family, and they seem to like us as well. If your experience is similar, you should be fine.

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

Twice I saw the houses before I bought them but I had one afternoon to look at houses and make a choice.  I don't have a problem making decisions.  I like both of them and have lived in the second one for 21 years. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

My son bought a house sight unseen just by our recommendations.  We only saw pictures online and knew the house would go fast due to the updates.  It had only been online at for 45 minutes.


We called him and he called his realtor and locked in within 2 hours of it being on market.  He put down a small escrow deposit that could be fully refunded within the week so we knew there was no lost.  Also, he knew he could always back out during the inspection.  He went to see it the next day and loved it.  On inspection nothing was wrong.  He loves his new home.


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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

What's life without a little risk?  And guts no glory.  I say more power to you!  Best of luck in your new home and neighborhood.  I'm sure there are people that had a bad experience just as there are plenty that had everything work out and some even better than they hoped.  Positive prayers and hoping you found just what you wanted.  Smiley HappyHeart

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

I moved across the country once, and leased a condo for a year without even seeing pictures! It turned out well--the place needed some updates but the location and many other things were perfect. I ended up staying three years. I'm not sure I'd have enough confidence to buy a house that way, and especially in a part of the country or even a neighborhood I'd never seen. But sometimes you just KNOW something is right for you, right? Good for you listening to your inner guidance, and best wishes.

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

@kittyloo   We may be doing the same.  Just got back from Maine..looked at a few places there.  Our realtors' husband is a licensed home inspector so if we find something we like he will go in and inspect it.  With the time we spent with her she knows what we like.  

Best of luck to you...DW

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Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

With the housing market the way it is you can not wait for an inspection. If  you do you will lose out on the house because someone else will snap it up. 

I wish you all the best, it sounds exciting and like fun. I  would never live in a large city or on the West Coast unless many things change. 

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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

[ Edited ]

@kittyloo Congratulations....can't wait to see your new home!  We are in the same process, but we have decided to explore the areas we are interested in our RV before purchasing.  If the house was a good buy and desirable, it would not have lasted in this market.  In my community several offers are made the first day it hits the MLS.


How exciting for father was transferred to LA for a couple of years during my childhood,  I have fond memories - lots of drapey moss and scent of magnolias.   All the best in your new home! 

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Posts: 15,167
Registered: ‎01-02-2011

Re: We bought a house online sight unseen

After practically camping out on RE sites, I have bought two homes sight unseen and was happy with my choices.  

That is quite a change between the PNW and LA.  Good luck 🍀