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We (Finally) Took the Plunge

Our oldest has been after my husband and myself to cut our landline for years. I was the hesitant one, citing all the 'what ifs" and last week asked myself, "why not?"  The only people who call the house are scammers, salesmen, pollsters , etc.  We each have cell phones,and the landline was an unnecessary expense.


Verizon will have a message on the telephone directing all calls to my husband's number and for an additional $10.00 for an extra month of carrying the message.  


I emailed all friend, family members, on line accounts to tell them the changes and as of September 1, 2016, no more landline.

Keep Your Face To The Sunshine and You Will Not See The Shadow
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Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

Good luck~ I've had to block numerous calls on my cell phone. Somehow telemarketers got ahold of the number. A few of them haven't received the "message" that they're blocked and will still call. Their computers will learn- 

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Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

Sounds good.  Do you have a desktop or laptop PC?  If so, how do you get internet?

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Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

I haven't had a landline for like 20 years.


Never missed



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Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

Zhills wrote:

Sounds good.  Do you have a desktop or laptop PC?  If so, how do you get internet?


I could be wrong, but I don't think she said she cut her internet - just her landline.


MGM - Good for you!  I would like to do that, also, but the alarm system depends on it.    I even told the husband that I'd be willing to cut the alarm system, too, but he wouldn't go for it.


I do have an extremely high need for feeling safe, due to never feeling safe as a child, but I keep EVERYTHING pretty pretty pretty locked up!  Smiley Happy

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Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

[ Edited ]

Good for you!


I personally couldn't/wouldn't do it for several reasons.


One being with our beach rentals, I always want to know a phone is available--(powered up) in the event of the renter's need to call 911.  Just for piece of mind. 


I do most of my talking on the landline phone as I don't like holding a cell to my ear and I'm not a fan of earbuds/microphone. 


I always have a phone cradled on top my shoulder as I unload the dishwasher, load the washing machine, etc.  Cell phones are uncomfortable to talk on for me!


We have packages that give us good deals on house phone, cable and internet, so I'm not complaining about money.


In Oct. my husband's cell will be picked up by a company he's done work for and that'll be over $85/month saved....YAY!


So good for you for saving some money, too!

Posts: 33
Registered: ‎11-21-2012

Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

We also took the plunge and gave up our landline too as we are retired now and also both have cell phones also. The kids wanted us to do that too as it would be cheaper than Verizon. That was in January. Well as of last week we are back with Verizon. The longest the phone would stay without a problem was about ten days. It was always cutting out on us, cutting people off, no dial tone, and on and on and on. The computer wasn't much better. The only thing that was great was the T.V. The phone always was out on holiday weekends and no one to service us for at least four or five days with us demanding them to fix it. We do live in an adult community so the cable provider was a small outfit I guess. They only worked 40 hour work weeks, no nights or weekends. Verizon is the greatest!  We are so happy to be back with Verizon.

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Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

The only time I missed my landline is when I had to send a fax.   So I went over to Office Max and spent $2 to send it.  No biggie.

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Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

We haven't used our land line in more years than I can count.  We still have but we only use it for the fax machine.

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Re: We (Finally) Took the Plunge

Even though there only a handful of people that call me on it, I just can't get rid of the landline.  


I've thought about it, but I hate talking on my cell phone and only family have the number.  When people ask for the number, I tell them I don't have one.  In all the time I've had one I don't think I've spoken to someone on it more than 30 times.