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Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

[ Edited ]

Her name is Tilali Scanlan. She will be representing American Samoa on their women's swim team. Her first race is July 25 at 7:59 pm Tokyo time. Which is very very early EST. But I'll get up bright and early to watch her. Our family is so excited for her. 

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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

Hope she, and all the other athletes, get their chance to compete in this Olympics.  Unfortunately it looks like there is still a distinct possibility that Japan may pull the carpet from under this year's competition ( a 20 billion dollar loss for Japan).

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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

@fairydogmother Congrats to your family!  Whether she wins or not, it's an honor to be an Olympian!

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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

I think that there won't be any live coverage, that it'll be shown tape delayed.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

[ Edited ]

I believe former host Courtney Webb was and has been training for Skeleton competition in the Winter Olympics.  Maybe in 2022 Beijing.  ?




I believe Skeleton is those 'sled' type of competition that one lays on top of a 'sled'  and races downhill in the snow? or non-snow? 


Sorry that I haven't web searched the correct info. 


Anyway wishing all competitors the very best of luck and safety and success.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

@ROMARY wrote:

I believe former host Courtney Webb was and has been training for Skeleton competition in the Olympics.


I don't know if she is over there in Tokyo.


I believe Skeleton is those 'sled' type of competition that one lays on top of a 'sled'  and races downhill in the snow? or non-snow? 


Sorry that I haven't web searched the correct info. 


Anyway wishing all competitors the very best of luck and safety and success.








The Skeleton is a WINTER  sport, where they slide down a track of ice.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

@ROMARY wrote:

I believe former host Courtney Webb was training for Skeleton competition for the Olympics.


I don't know if she is over there in Tokyo.


I believe Skeleton is those 'sled' type of whatever that one lays on top and races downhill in the snow? or non-snow? 


Sorry that I haven't web searched the correct info. 


Anyway wishing all competitors the very best of luck and safety and success.

@ROMARY - Courtney will probably compete in the Winter Olympics in February 2022 in Beijing. I know she has worked hard. 

@fairydogmother - What an honor for your whole family! I will be watching! My mom "almost" made the women's swim team many years ago. She was an excellent swimmer, but there were many who were better!   Smiley Happy

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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

@Linmo wrote:

@fairydogmother Congrats to your family!  Whether she wins or not, it's an honor to be an Olympian!

Thanks! She's a lovely young woman. Completed her degree in marine biology while training. 

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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

Thanks for the Winter Olympics information!


While you were posting, I quickly searched and edited my post, and then read your information.


Wishing Courtney and O/P's Olympic swimmer the very best of luck and success! 


We'll be watching!  Thank you for the alert!

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Watch for my cousin’s daughter in the Olympics

That's great!  Any family members there with her?