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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?

On 8/3/2014 ID2 said:

Umm it seems to me that there's a lot more to this story than the OP is disclosing.

ITA...there's no way, no matter how crazy, a person would project anger like that unless provoked.

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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?

On 8/3/2014 sidsmom said:
On 8/3/2014 ID2 said:

Umm it seems to me that there's a lot more to this story than the OP is disclosing.

ITA...there's no way, no matter how crazy, a person would project anger like that unless provoked.

You obviously have never seen a person with serious "anger issues" !!! {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?

On 8/2/2014 qvcaddition said:

"but I wanted to say to her, "you are walking with a cane now, you are lucky I don't smack you and you will be walking with crutches:. Of course I didn't. I who do not take anything, figured, this fight was not worth it. I won't be on any other shifts with her, I will make sure of that. I had a pleasant afternoon with nice people from all over the world and they all told me how much they enjoyed my tour and left money to support the place, so why spoil it, although I was taken aback, with her anger."

I'm taken aback by your anger.

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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?

Judging by most of the responses on this thread, it seems like there are a lot of people with anger issues out there.

It's true, the other woman lost it over a paper cup. A paper cup. So why all the hard anger directed back at her? What purpose does that serve, except to show you can one up her? Over a paper cup. Sounds like everyone is overreacting.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?

On 8/3/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:
On 8/3/2014 sidsmom said:
On 8/3/2014 ID2 said:

Umm it seems to me that there's a lot more to this story than the OP is disclosing.

ITA...there's no way, no matter how crazy, a person would project anger like that unless provoked.

You obviously have never seen a person with serious "anger issues" !!! {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

You bring up a good point. I believe when one has an aura of confidence, the 'angry people' stay away...far away. Maybe they figure they would be challenged & I would be too much they look for a weak link. Body language says a lot.

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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?

I am trying not to do anymore about it. I did report it to the head of the volunteers. The gift shop person said to me after she, the other volunteer left, WOW, she was really out of line. The super of the volunteers, said this person lives with teenagers. I am 78 and she is around my age or older.

Now, to clear up what some have said on here, yes, there are two sides to every story. I went in to do my four hour shift. Have never worked with this person before and never met her before, we do three shifts a month and pick our own time.

I introduced myself at beginning of shift and was on time. So being late was not the issue. She bossed me about taking another tour, I had just come back from an hour with 10 people and was tired, lots of walking and talking. You have to be a talker on these jobs.

We had another tour, and I said to her, go ahead, your turn, she had taken the first tour of two, and I took the second tour of 10 as stated above. She said, no, in a strong manner, not polite like I was, for God's sake, we are volunteers, not even getting an appreciate lunch. We have to bring pot luck and that's OK, but I'm not getting paid and she is not my boss.

I try to be pleasant and was because you are being friendly with people coming in, you can't be in a bad mood, you have to be up, so I said OK, I'll take it. I am 78 years young, but I would have loved to have a drink of water and sit for 10 minutes, so I went out again, this time with a group of just two, husband and wife.

So you can tell from my side, I had no real conversation with her except the above and when she came unglued, because I threw her paper cup away in cleaning up a room so we could go home at closing, it took me by surprise. We have to wait until four to clean up and close doors.

That cup was in the same spot when I left and came back from my tours. She never touched it, I thought it belonged to the morning shift, and they just forgot it.she was looking for a fight and maybe for all the reasons, posters have stated here. Maybe she talks to the teens in her house this way. She is my age not a young chick. Maybe, because the people liked me, who knows.

Yes, she has a side, but we had no interaction before, except what was stated on here. I'm told, I give very good tours, very informative. I love it, and don't have to work with her again. The coordinator said she is a nice person. So, I don't know. She has been there much longer than me, so I'm sure her tours are good also. Every volunteer there has to study and take a test to make sure they know what they are talking about. We have a big historical book to read first. We are updated every year. There is an historian on the spot. This is no Mickey Mouse place. Nothing wrong with MM, love him, before someone get mad on here about that statement.

As far as a poster saying they felt my anger because of the comment I thought and didn't make to her. I am not an angry person, but I'm not perfect. I was shocked first, and do not like being abused, physically of mentally, so yes, in my mind, I wanted to get back at her, but you pick your battles and she was not going to spoil the wonderful tours and day I had. There are people in this world that are toxin online and in person, so make out of this what you want, that is what happen. Remember, I volunteer and it is not my only volunteer job, so you have to like what you are doing, because some are not easy.

I also volunteer at another Famous Historical place in town, and again, read a big historical book and take test. We do get an appreciation dinner there. LOL. When you volunteer, you have to love or at least like it, that is your satisfaction. I love taking in knowledge.

My other side job, is semi retired as a Minister, and I still perform some weddings. I pick and chose. I love working with people in a positive atmosphere. I am a confident person, do not display weakness in body language.

Thank you for all the responses, I have put this to bed, and got over it that night, let it die now.

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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?


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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?


the op requested we let it go so I am removing my response to honor her reasonable request.

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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?

Sounds like she was having a bad day and you were easy pickens for her to lash out at. As a volunteer you of all people should know, no good deed goes unpunished.

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Re: Was this an Angry person or was she right?

Hope you've already forgotten about it. That is one of those things that is not worth fretting over. She was rude and definitely angry, but perhaps she had a horrible day, or perhaps she is just an unhappy person. Regardless, you said you had a good day meeting nice people and you did your job well. It's not like you knew it was her cup and tossed it away in front of her on purpose. It was the end of the day and you were cleaning up. I would guess she had some bad experience earlier, and that was just an excuse for her to blow up and vent, it had nothing to do with you. You were correct to let it go, and hopefully you won't have to work with this woman ever again. In the immortal words of Frozen.... Let it go! Smile

ETA: Oops, apologies.... just saw that we are supposed to let this die.