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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

@Brittany-QVC wrote:
This post has been removed by QVC. Poster request.

Thank You very much. 

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

@orangegarnet wrote:

@Brittany-QVC wrote:
This post has been removed by QVC. Poster request.

Thank You very much. 

I did not see the removed post.  As it was posted shortly after mine, I hope I did not cause it.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

LULU - the removed posts had nothing to do with you.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

[ Edited ]

Both of my parents wanted the cheapest funeral possible. Basically just burn and scatter. We didn't even buy a fancy urn for my mom. My dad and I just used the one that the ashes came in. 


We didn't have a church service, no viewing, no anything. 



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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

Some one here asked what happens when a family has no money. 


 I live in California.  If a person is concidered indigent, they are buried.  There is a place at a certain cemetary that bury the indigent.  I think if a person's extended family was very poor, or lived check to check with no savings or assets they go the no frills route.  That is, no funeral.  The body goes from the coroner to the county, or cornoner to grave or cremation.  Or, if a the money was very limited you can get a cremation, with no funeral, frills.  They just hand you the ashes, and that is still about 3500.


I do believe at ALL funeral homes there are low limit loans available they can hook you up with if you are able to repay.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

Also agree that funeral homes make money on peoples emotions. When my husband died my friend said and also my sister made me promise that when we went to pick out things for his funeral that I was going to remember that I did not have a lot of money to spend. It still cost close to $7000.   And that was a low cost funeral. Our funeral homes offer a discount if you pay the bill within a week of the person death. Big deal even with a insurance policy you don't get your money that quick from the insurance.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

When my first husband died he did not have insurance so I had to borrow the money from my parents for his funeral. I was way too emotionally upset to put it together so my Mom made all the arrangements and did a very nice job for $2000, but that was in 1979. She talked the funeral director into giving me a lot of it at cost because he had been killed during a robbery of his business and it was all such a shock. She chose an Italian funeral director and being Italian herself she really knew how to work him over.


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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

See? This is why when I die I want to be eaten by my dogs.


Although I am a high Roman Catholic, I figure that there must be some God-fearing pack of dogs somewhere out there willing to eat my remains with dignity (perhaps napkins around their necks). And I would be giving back to the environment. Smiley Happy


More seriously...


(MORE serious than THAT???)


...I do plan to be cremated. Some of its monetary; some of its worms.


Although one always likes the idea of a state funeral, they are quite expensive.


And who needs every lower-tier monarch crowding the church...and then ya'gotta feed them at the after-burial luncheon.


And why have an after-burial luncheon when I could be the funeral luncheon??


And why is everyone so hungry after burying me? Man, have a donut before you leave the house. Am I there to feed everybody even from the Great Beyond???


Find a Denny's 'round the corner from my tomb and go eat there.


I have been to too many elite and pricey funerals to see much that's attractive about them.


"In lieu of flowers, please make a (fake) donation to XYZ charity" ought to instead become simply, "Skip the $50,000 funeral and just give it to the homeless."


While I know that even morticians have to eat...they don't really need to be kept in porterhouse steaks and Chateauneuf de Pape, do they? I mean, they already got the manicured nails, pocket handkerchief, hair gel and the diamond tie pin (not to mention the 5-carat diamond off of dead Mrs. Goldstein just before they closed the lid one last time). Do they really need to make every funeral outprice the cost of a new Winnebago, too???


There are better uses for MONEY. If one thing in this LIFE has taught me, its that.


I recall years ago gong to one massive Catholic cemetary in the Chicagoland area (the one with the giant scary metal Jesus). And when we drove through, the SEA of black granite tombstones was shocking. I mean, if one knows the price of black granite when just remodelling one's was like a black granite graveyard (forget the corpses)! Translated into MONEY the miles of such massive tombstones alone could have funded a cure for MS perhaps.


Honor the dead. Pray for the dead.


That shouldn't require insurance policies, putting people into debt or be the cost of sending a living person to college.


A simple shroud, a pine box, a shovel in the middle of night, and a priest who swears secrecy...that's all I need.