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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

4500 is quite inexpensive......if that is your quote then go with it quickly.  it isnt even that expensive for my mom and she planned her burial about 10 years ago. her marker is already there along with my fathers......already engraved except for the death. i have not done ANYTHING for mine yet.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

@henderson wrote:

Please consider whole body donation if you want to be cremated.  I registered with Science Care (Phoenix, Az.) to donate my body after my organs are donated.  There is no cost, they will arrange to transport the body from your local funeral home and then after cremation, return the remains to you.    Whole body donations are so needed to help find cures for diseases.

Please, before you commit to "donating your body to science," read the book Stiff by Mary Roach. She details all of the various ways the donated bodies are used, and most of them are not only not pretty, but pretty awful. I used to have the same altruistic dream of having my body used for higher purposes, but this book changed my mind. In one quick minute.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

Funerals and weddings are both a rip off. People let their emotions take over and over spend. When you are dead you are dead. It is selfish to spend $$$$$$ when a simple cremation is so inexpensive.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

I still would check anyway as some people at the airlines are not aware of such things.


Believe me-- going through security and having a bi-pap machine taken out of its case and examined as if its a curiosity (never been seen by security ever) at a major airport here in NYC,  with thousands of people going through airports with respiratory support machines, there was no excuse to take everything out of the bag it was in.


I would still call the airlines and double check, cause the day this happens (the transport of remains on a plane as carry on) someone is going to examine it and question it-- what's in the urn m'aam?? That's not explosive is it?? There will always be someone who is out of the loop and as Murphy's Law would have it-- that person will be on duty that day!

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

My dads funeral 4 plus years ago was 10,000 dollars. And I can tell you that was the least expensive in the area. He wanted to be buried like my Mom who was the love of his life (and who died young), with a full funeral and burial aside of her. (No cremation).


He had the money saved, didn't believe in credit cards or life insurance. He even had the money saved that we had a dinner afterwards with friends and relatives. Some of whom came from out of town. I wanted to pay half for the dinner and my sibling (who was in charge of it all) said no, dad had the money put aside for this.


I personally am leaning toward cremation, because I find typical funerals like my parents, to be way too expensive! However my husband wont discuss any of the pre-planning as of now!

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days



my dad passed many years ago and in his will was a portion that stated "to my daughters I have chosen cremation, you may not understand my thoughts on this (as a catholic) but after pre-planning and setting up trust fund I found it would be better for you girls to use the "wasted" $$$ from a full blown funeral service estimated at $10,000" to use this $ and enjoy something for you!"


"Why pay for people to come see me when I'm dead when I hardly saw them while I was alive. Therefore, I would like a private viewing prior to cremation with my parish priest to say a prayer."


Needless to say, my sister and I were shocked at this decision but in hindsight it made good sense.  


Just went through a funeral planning with a close friend for his dad $14,987!  Yikes!🙀💰💵💵

although it certainly is personal choice. We have everything in order right down to how to list our home, personal property, etc.  and our arrangements are filed and paid for so my kids get no surprises! In fact, we make sure if they need something we give it now why wait til we die!

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

@MaggieMack wrote:


@henderson wrote:

Please consider whole body donation if you want to be cremated.  I registered with Science Care (Phoenix, Az.) to donate my body after my organs are donated.  There is no cost, they will arrange to transport the body from your local funeral home and then after cremation, return the remains to you.    Whole body donations are so needed to help find cures for diseases.

Please, before you commit to "donating your body to science," read the book Stiff by Mary Roach. She details all of the various ways the donated bodies are used, and most of them are not only not pretty, but pretty awful. I used to have the same altruistic dream of having my body used for higher purposes, but this book changed my mind. In one quick minute.



Who cares what happens to your physical body once you are dead? You act like you are still going to be around.  

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

Both of my parents donated their bodies to a teaching hospital. We received their ashes 2 years after each passed away. My husband and I are donating our bodies also. Everything is arranged.


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Registered: ‎10-01-2014

Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

@June2 wrote:

@MaggieMack wrote:


@henderson wrote:

Please consider whole body donation if you want to be cremated.  I registered with Science Care (Phoenix, Az.) to donate my body after my organs are donated.  There is no cost, they will arrange to transport the body from your local funeral home and then after cremation, return the remains to you.    Whole body donations are so needed to help find cures for diseases.

Please, before you commit to "donating your body to science," read the book Stiff by Mary Roach. She details all of the various ways the donated bodies are used, and most of them are not only not pretty, but pretty awful. I used to have the same altruistic dream of having my body used for higher purposes, but this book changed my mind. In one quick minute.



Who cares what happens to your physical body once you are dead? You act like you are still going to be around.  

No, I definitely don't think I will be hanging around, lol! I just don't want my head to be one of forty in a room that is being used in a seminar for plastic surgeons to practice new facelift procedures, or my body left in a field to rot while they count and categorize the bugs that invade it, or be used by motor vehicle companies as a crash test dummy. I have reverence for life, and for the body after death. 

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Posts: 5,616
Registered: ‎10-01-2014

Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

[ Edited ]

Forgot to add for those of you who are considering the body donation route, they have restrictions on how large a body they will accept. Too heavy or too tall will be met with rejection. Too hard to manipulate and handle the bodies.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop