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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

My hubby got bored with retirement and got a parttime job driving the limo or hearse at a local funeral home......I think about half of their customers get cremated.....


Just  thought I would let you folks know that you can buy a casket on Ebay and save alot of long as it is the correct size. The funeral home had a customer do just learn something new every day..Smiley Very Happy


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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

Don't remember what Mom's cost, but Dad's which included coffin, two days viewing, hearse, services, flowers, cards, burial fees


not counting plot and headstone, 


were just shy of 15k.

Do the math.
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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

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Grandma prepaid also.  Unfortunately the place went bankrupt taking the records and grandmas money.  When she passes another funeral had to be purchased.  The plot was the only thing she really owned.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

My inlaws prepaid for theirs last year and it was $16,000 for the two of them.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

To the OP: I think that's a great price and quite cheap.



In 1997, my grandfather died after a yearlong plus battle with cancer. The total cost to bury him was $45,000. Yes, Forty-five THOUSAND dollars. The cost was split among his five living children (my father was the youngest and handled his care ti the end plus made the funeral arrangements as written by his dad when he learned he had cancer).


This cost included the funeral home coming to my dads house to pick up my grandfathers body (Hospice nurse was there), doing what needed to be done and then transfering the body through 3 states to the family's Catholic Church. Mass was said, the body then driven to the cemetery; he was buried in the family plot but still had to pay for the ground to be open, the liner, the casket, etc.


I have no idea what that would run today.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

Please consider whole body donation if you want to be cremated.  I registered with Science Care (Phoenix, Az.) to donate my body after my organs are donated.  There is no cost, they will arrange to transport the body from your local funeral home and then after cremation, return the remains to you.    Whole body donations are so needed to help find cures for diseases.

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

Cremation is what I have asked my family for me. Scatter my ashes in a pretty mountain area. I do not want a funeral. Remember me with smiles and laughter, not with music and a coffin. 

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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

@151949 wrote:

@Zhills wrote:

@151949 wrote:

@baker wrote:

Boy, where did you get a complete funeral for 4500, my MIL died 2yrs. ago and the cheapest we could bury her for was 8000. My MIL would be spinning in her grave if she knew it cost 8Large to bury her.


!. We already owned the plots

2, no showing at a funeral home

3. no having to buy a coffin

4. instead of a headstone in his family's plot they just have a bronze marker for each person and then at the head of the area is a stone about 8ft wide by 6 ft high with the family name on it.Anyway those bronze markers are much less expensive. 

5. When you preplan a funeral and pay for it up front they give significant discounts plus you lock in the price at todays prices.


That does not include airfare home for the body?



The body will already be creamated so the ashes can be hand carried on to a airplane to be brought home.

I would check ahead with airlines to see if this can be done. Its not like its in a shopping bag and considered 'carry on' luggage. Woman Surprised

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

A man I was talking to at a party once was telling me as long as you carry it on and it fits under the seat in front of you. They give you a form at the creamatorium to say you are allowed to carry the remains.