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Re: WOW, funeral costs now a days

@151949 wrote:

Bestdressed - and it is all done very quickly after death so the body goes on to the funeral home and the funeral proceeds exactly the same as if the donation of organs had not occured.

Actually, the transplant co ordinaters are the people who come and discuss the potential for donation with the family and then if the family agrees , they stay with the family  throughout the remainder of the process. They are so wonderful and have been very well trained in dealing with the families emotional needs thru this process. This allows the docotrs and nurses to do what they need to do to care for the patient while the transplant coordinator deals with the family. Sometimes it is difficult for the family to see us removing the drugs, IVs and other things that they know are keeping their loved one alive and the coordinators help them through that. We also had a great rabbi as our chaplin where I worked. No matter what the person's religion was - he was very good at assisting families at this time.

Thank you for the explanation. It is comforting to know there is support for the family during this process.