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Famous people seem to have a different standard of looking good than do monogamous people. People around me, locally, don't have the same amount of pressure to look a certain way or to look younger. It is just not in our priority list. Famous people seem to have it differently.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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She did that because she could. 

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I guess people in the media want to keep looking young since millions see them all the time.  As far as regular folks go the older you look the closer to death.  Everyone wants to fight the inevitable. 

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Because she's narcissistic, as are many celebrities.And she has the $$$$ to do it.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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@ValuSkr wrote:

I don't know who she is.  But I prefer her before look - it has more character, and is still beautiful.  Her after look is generic - looks like a million other women.

The pictures are of Bethenny Frankel @ValuSkr. She founded Skinnygirl drinks and

had her own t.v. show, on Housewives too. 

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THIS is what makes her look young....helping others.

Donated her time, money to help the hurricane victims

of Puerto Rico, Houston, Mexico, Carolinas.

#BeStrong  She walks the talk.

I don’t see the physical....her giving heart is all I see.



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Because she is (or was) never attractive and probably has issues about that. Surgery did not help.  She is desperate.

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Isn't she the  "Skinny Girl" cocktails  and lingerie 

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I have a heart shape face just like her and many who do don't like their pointy chin. Also, you don't tend to have high cheekbones with this face shape either. By shaving a tad off the chin and adding a bit this and that to the cheek area, you can easily create the most desired face (as per plastic surgeons): oval with high cheekbones.


Trust me, I've heard more negative comments about the "pointy chin"  than I care to. Never fails when an actress with a heart shape face comes on the screen that someone has to comment about it. Perhaps she was simply tired of it (akin to someone who has ears that stick straight out).

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If we all had her money we might consider things we don't consider now!


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