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Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

 Just heard on the news that a man  had a vintage $8  ticket  from 1978 to Disney Land .

 The adult day ticket's now cost $108. He was lucky that they honored it but they had to because it did not have an expiration date .  The online video says he "found the ticket " and it had been collecting dust since before he was born .

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Re: Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

That's pretty neat. We went there as kids in the 60's. I don't remember if it was when we moved to Hawaii or when we moved back?

We saw Elizabeth Montgomery (Bewitched) at Disneyland.

She had a son in 65 & a daughter in 69. I think we moved there in 64 & know we left by 69 so we must have went to Disneyland in 65. 

We were excited as kids to see Bewitched coming down the stairs from the bathroom. No telling what she was thinking seeing 7 kids wanting to run up to her but dad wouldn't let us. We only got to wave. 


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Re: Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

Cleaning out my safe, we found

2 kids passes from 1987 when we took our kids to Disney World.


Still have 1 day left on them -- that's good to know they honor them (although I don't have little ones) I don't know what we paid but certainly not anything near todays prices.


We even have the parking pass and $100 Disney dollars.   Don't know why he bought Disney Dollars.   Spouse was great at saving things🙂


We're doing family vacation Easter at DisneyWorld I'm gonna take the disney dollars and inquire about them.



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Re: Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

@skatting44 We were there about that time. We purchased booklets to see the attractions or take the rides. They were A, B, C, D, and maybe E. These tokens were torn out of the booklet and used to get admission to individual features. The well known ones like Space Mountain, Small World, and Pirates of the Caribbean were the same letter. We ran out of those and bought additional tickets. 

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Re: Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

Wonder what happened to all our old ones from when we were kids?  Not sure I even was really aware at the time.


I went to Disneyland for the first time in 1960.  Sure was a lot smaller then.

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Re: Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

I was at Disney World not long after it opened, and I remember the tix books from A to E, and some rides were no tix required. 

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Re: Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

I still have some old 4 day passes that we didn't use the last day!


Some of my family helped build Disney World and my kids had free passes and went many times.  I've gone several.  Went to the employee "pre opening" day before it actually opened.  

Got a full history of the rides and displays.  Sooooo interesting!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

My mom and Dad kept our stubs from our 1st trip to Disneyland in California. We went the 1st time in 1966. I was 7 and my sister was 4.....My brother was 17...I remember it was so fun!!!! Loved it.. 


Since my sister was so young and didn't remember much, we went again when I was 12 and she was 9...

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Re: Vintage $8 Disney's Magic Kingdom ticket

My husband had some old tickets from the 80's and used them in the late 90's and Disney accepted them.  No expiration dates.  The man at the gate said he hadn't seen one of those tickets in a loooong time.  Not only are park tickets $100 plus/day but prices vary.  For example:  it's more expensive to buy a park ticket on a holiday or weekend than a weekday off season.  AND more money on top of that for a park hopper ticket.