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Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)



so sorry reading you lost your home☹️ during Sandy.  I was visiting my kids in Pt Pleasant when it hit definitely very sad & devastating days.  They lost a lot in Sandy.  I am from NJ and I recall I ended up staying months after.  There is no words for the feeling one has.


When my younger son was 13 months old decided to visit in-laws who lived in Daytona Beach on beachside when Hurricane Andrew hit they lived in mobile home.  The evacuation was something Ill never forget but seeing high rise hotels dessemated to rubble was unreal.  


So, I'm very aware the devastation these storms bring.  Again, sorry for your loss & best wishes on your move back north.


Give me a snowstorm any day ☃️☃️


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Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

@pieman   I’m so sorry to hear that was said to you here.  I have family in Florida.  They are currently safe.  They are not sure of their condo near Tampa.  The devastation in FL will be massive.  


People think the northern winters are so bad, but it’s a day or two of inconvenience.  Mostly, not life threatening.  


My my heart goes out to those families and pets that are affected, 

prayers for all.   



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Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

@pieman   Such devastation and I'm glad you were able to avoid it.  That must have been a heartbreak losing your home in Connecticut. 


I am sorry that you have experienced a painful post and I remember an incident you might be referencing. I can understand your pain...I have a fan who enjoys making sarcastic remarks...usually just don't read her comments.    99.9% of the forum family is loving, intelligent, funny, and helpful.....that makes it worthwhile to stay here.  Just hang with us...people who hurt are usually hurting people.


Good luck with listing your home.  I've heard a few people say that in the storm interviews....they say they don't to rebuild.  I'm wishing you the very best and hope to hear from you soon, as I look forward to your posts.

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Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

@pieman wrote:

@manny2  I lived in CT then, right along the shoreline and watched my house be carried out to sea... My heart broke that day,

I had one person on here saying she was glad I lost it...

I will never forget that day , Her words hurt more than me watching my house drift away.

Sandy was not nice to us people that day.


Now we are here in FL, going through it all over again.

Actually we got lucky this time.

Lights flickered for a few seconds but that was it.


God had mercy on  us this time around...


We are listing our home here and headed back North,,

This was enough for me..


I wish everyone else much luck, things will get better,,,,




Oh, @pieman  I am so glad you were spared this time. How awful to lose your home. I know things can be replaced and life is more important. We all know that. But there is nothing wrong with mourning the loss of your home too. Everything you worked so hard for.


I am not shocked someone would say such a horrible thing on this board. Behind the keyboard we have a lot of bullies. I am sorry that happened to you.


Good luck on your move back north.

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Registered: ‎11-08-2014

Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

Joining others in saying I'm sorry for your earlier loss, and that you had that inexcusable comment here, @pieman.


Am glad at least it didn't discourage you from continuing here.  That's key.  As @phoenixbrd says,  most here are kind, balanced, and not out to hurt.  My advice to anyone targeted is based on my experience.  For awhile, I had a persistent few who would "gang up" in a way that was not in good faith, I believe.  Finally I spoke up about it directly-- I don't believe personal attacks have any place, regardless of differences in viewpoint.  The attacks diminished.      

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Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

@Oznell wrote:

Joining others in saying I'm sorry for your earlier loss, and that you had that inexcusable comment here, @pieman.


Am glad at least it didn't discourage you from continuing here.  That's key.  As @phoenixbrd says,  most here are kind, balanced, and not out to hurt.  My advice to anyone targeted is based on my experience.  For awhile, I had a persistent few who would "gang up" in a way that was not in good faith, I believe.  Finally I spoke up about it directly-- I don't believe personal attacks have any place, regardless of differences in viewpoint.  The attacks diminished.      

I am sorry you had to go through that too. @Oznell  I can’t imagine it happening to you. I enjoy reading your creative descriptive writing. I can see you writing a novel.  


I have a few that do it to me too.  


I have a broad shoulders, so I use the negative energy as fuel to succeed, and to keep posting. I never meet a miserable poster in their comfort zone.


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Registered: ‎06-06-2019

Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

@pieman wrote:

@manny2  I lived in CT then, right along the shoreline and watched my house be carried out to sea... My heart broke that day,

I had one person on here saying she was glad I lost it...

I will never forget that day , Her words hurt more than me watching my house drift away.

Sandy was not nice to us people that day.


Now we are here in FL, going through it all over again.

Actually we got lucky this time.

Lights flickered for a few seconds but that was it.


God had mercy on  us this time around...


We are listing our home here and headed back North,,

This was enough for me..


I wish everyone else much luck, things will get better,,,,




OMG you poor thing.

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Posts: 19,492
Registered: ‎11-08-2014

Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

That's the ticket, exactly, @manny2 --  good for you!


And thanks for your kind words, much appreciated.

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Posts: 19,492
Registered: ‎11-08-2014

Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

Glad to see rescue team "Samaritan's Purse" is there in the hardest hit area, with huge trucks full of heavy equipment and tools to help "mud out" houses, clear all the debris, cut downed trees, and re-roof structures that will need it. 


So much work to be done.  Prayers for everyone in the entire devastated storm regions.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Very Eerie driving around today (Post Hurricane)

I have a brother in that area who is an insurance attorney.  I have not heard from him but he is probably okay, knowing that he would prepare for himself and family and probably preparing for all the business that is coming his way.  Unfortunately, lawyers thrive on others' suffering.