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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

@Deb1010yetagain, I know!!! I agree. I have to LOL because, all I can think of is, where do you store that thing? and doesn't the guy want all those hugs? LOL

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I don't think it is feeling like a child so your OK with the Bear. It is the stereotypes used in the commercial that are beyond insulting. They use the same rude bias for selling those Pajamma Grams. I don't know if it is the same company but it is just stupid. But clearly the ads are written by some neanderthal I hope it is just tongue and cheek. But I doubt it. There are women who find this great.


These commercials have been on for years and I to have recieved my share of bears. I like flowers but then again my family owns Garden Centers so that has never been a stretch to receive arrangements, shrubs and plants. For me I like jewlery HeartWoman Happy

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

If you live in Florida and want one of the giant teddy bears, you can get one for $9,99 at Goodwill.   I was perusing the Goodwill site ( ) and actually found one -- it must be meant to be.  



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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

[ Edited ]

Who in their right mind would want a big stuffed bear? Maybe if I was 10. Any guy willing to spend $99 dollars on such a crummy  gift is a loser.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

@Kachina624 wrote:

I think it's insulting the intelligence of women to suggest they'd be excited about receiving what is essentially a child's toy.   Why don't they market them as gifts for men? 


@Desertdi   I agree,  Di.   Anything like that I received would be sleeping on the patio. 

For men they would only want a blow up doll, not a bear. LOL!

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

[ Edited ]

Forget the bear. Bring me See's chocolate! That big ole 3 pound RED heart will do just fine. Heart

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I would not want one either.

A couple of years ago we took a tour of the Vt. Teddy Bear Co.  The tour guide was telling us that you could request any message, clothing, color of bear.  She said the most unusual she had seen had been a guy order a bear for Valentines Day and the message on the bear's shirt said "I am breaking up with you."  

He could have saved himself $100,  manned up, and told her face to face.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I've seen this commercial twice so far this morning, and I really dislike it.  There's something sleazy about it, but I can't put my finger on it.  All I know is I would hate getting something like that for any reason.


Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

mr henny and I have been together for forty years. He buys me glorious flower arrangements and lovely jewelry, but the things I love the most are stuffed animals. mr henny collects teddy bears. I still have a two and a half foot tall steiff bear from my seventh Birthday.

Now---I have not seen the commercial, but it can't be as bad as the sexist Carl's Jr. commercials.



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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

@Alsee wrote:

I guess I'm just a kid at heart. I've been given two Vermont teddy bears and love them.  I'd rather receive them than flowers or candy.

I'm not into jewelry - give me a teddy bear any day.

I think the more normal size bears are adorable and can be a lovely remembrance of a special occasion but the next place a four foot bear would be sitting if I were to receive one would be at Goodwill so someone could really enjoy it or make a great gift for a little one . . . Smiley Wink.