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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

Just in case you are interested, Vt. Teddy Bear Co. has candidate bears.  I don't want to mention the names of the candidates because I might get proofed, but they are cute and expensive - about $80.  They have them on their website.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

@Katyq wrote:

Yes I hate that commercial too. Especially at the end when they tell the guy something like it will pay off for him while showing the lady in her red nighty. 

Looks like it's paying off for the bear!

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I completely agree that the company's advertising is laughably sleazy ala Pajama Gram.


However, re bears - the medium-priced bears on the site are 3 feet tall, handmade and jointed.  Such a bear is never cheap and is nothing like a 5.99 bear bought at CVS. They do sell unjointed, cheaper bears that may or may not be worth their cost.


Many people collect bears, and other stuffed animals, in the thousands of dollars, by collectible manufacturers (Steiff) and hand-stitched OOAK artist's creations. So no, not automatically just a gift of a child's toy.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

@hennypenny wrote:


Now---I have not seen the commercial, but it can't be as bad as the sexist Carl's Jr. commercials.



Oh yes, it is much worse IMO than the Carl's Jr. commercials.  @hennypenny keep your eyes peeled and you'll see the ad at some point.  They're running it ALL the time.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

Wow, no wonder men hate Valentine's Day.


Dmd if the do and Dmd if they don't.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

@Deb1010yetagain wrote:

@hennypenny wrote:


Now---I have not seen the commercial, but it can't be as bad as the sexist Carl's Jr. commercials.



Oh yes, it is much worse IMO than the Carl's Jr. commercials.  @hennypenny keep your eyes peeled and you'll see the ad at some point.  They're running it ALL the time.

Nothing is as bad as the Carl's Jr. ads,  especially the one with a scantily clad Paris Hilton washing a car.   I contacted their PR office about that one. 

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

@Deb1010yetagain wrote:

I hate that commercial with the 4 foot teddy bear and the guy narrating saying "don't buy her chocolate she'll just complain you're making her fat."   Well, I can't think of anything more useless for an adult female than a 4 foot stuffed animal.  What's your opinion?

A 4-foot stuffed bear?  I'd tell him where to stuff it.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I told my husband last night, "Well that's one suggestive bear huh?"  He agreed.  Hate those commercials & that one with Paris Hilton, yuck, ewhhh, nasty.. Why do these women exploit themselves to sell a stupid product..  OOps my femininism is showing again!  I say bring on the men, LOL .. 

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

OMG. I just saw this commercial for the first time.  How gross!  It reminded me of one of those commercials for calling a "chat" line.  They would have done better by gearing their advertising toward kids.  What female over the age of 14 would actually want that thing?

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

[ Edited ]

Suzie Garnet, will you be my VP!