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Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I hate that commercial with the 4 foot teddy bear and the guy narrating saying "don't buy her chocolate she'll just complain you're making her fat."   Well, I can't think of anything more useless for an adult female than a 4 foot stuffed animal.  What's your opinion?

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I agree. I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day to begin with.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I guess I'm just a kid at heart. I've been given two Vermont teddy bears and love them.  I'd rather receive them than flowers or candy.

I'm not into jewelry - give me a teddy bear any day.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

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Funny, this commerical was just on and I actually laughed at how ridiculous and full of stereotypes the commerical had. I honestly can't believe there is a commercial like that in this day and age. Silly.


ETA: I have no problem getting a stuffed animal as a gift and have no real thoughts on that. I just didn't appreciate the stereotypes.

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I live in a small house (casita)..........have no place for one of those BIG bears.    They end up in the "donations"............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

I think it's insulting the intelligence of women to suggest they'd be excited about receiving what is essentially a child's toy.   Why don't they market them as gifts for men? 


@Desertdi   I agree,  Di.   Anything like that I received would be sleeping on the patio. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

@Kachina624 wrote:

I think it's insulting the intelligence of women to suggest they'd be excited about receiving what is essentially a child's toy.   Why don't they market them as gifts for men? 


@Desertdi   I agree,  Di.   Anything like that I received would be sleeping on the patio. 

@Kachina624   I'm laughing so hard!    I got two in a row.....from the same guy.    I was wondering if he did.....or didn't.....notice the first one was gone(!)

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

Yes I hate that commercial too. Especially at the end when they tell the guy something like it will pay off for him while showing the lady in her red nighty. 

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

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I may be growing older but I will never grow up and would prefer that bear to anything else.  While I would appreciate any gift, jewelry won't impress me (and useless to me) nor will flowers (the most useless gift ever for me) as then I have to keep them around until they fall apart (no real purpose to me).  I do like a good chocolate candy but the bear would be better.  My SO  always gets me stuffed animals (sometimes for no special reason) and I truly appreciate them and love every one!  Most jewelry will just sit in a box, flowers don't last (thank goodness) and while I like chocolates, I have no will power and would prefer not to have them around. We all have different tastes and what one likes others won't. Embrace the differences.  Actually, I don't really want gifts and my SO treats me great every day and that's more than enough for me!


It definitely is a correct sterotype that men run to get flowers and candy.  Just look at all the flower delivers or lines at the flower shops and candy stores.  That is what they are told they must get for Valentine's Day and many women expect it - or else!!!   

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Re: Vermont Teddy Bear Commercial - Valentine's Day

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Not even when I was 12 would I have wanted one...