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My opinion is that in your heart you feel you didn’t react properly, or you wouldn’t be posting here looking for affirmation.


I would never assume someone was checking Facebook while on vacation....did you respond to her FB message?


I have a relative and also a close friend who both have MS.....they are both very involved in the lives of friends and extended family, and have never given the impression they shouldn’t be “bothered” with news of a family death when they are vacationing.  



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@Thrive wrote:

Thank you for not making mean assumptions about our closeness as sisters.  We are the only immediate family left and the person who suggesed that we are not close is clearly WRONG!  My question was why my sister sent MEa Facebook message to tell me of the imminent death and then sent my husband a message to tell me when he thought it was best to inform me.  I don't expect to be shielded. I knew it would only be days because he was in hospice.  I just didn't know why I needed to be informed by her with three separate messages while out of town.  In addition, his family also posted it on Facebook.Thank you to those who have been sensitive to the situation.  I haven't posted in years and I see some people are still the same.

@Thrive I'm sorry, but I don't understand what about this upsets you in any way.  How were you harmed?  

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@Thrive wrote:

Thank you for not making mean assumptions about our closeness as sisters.  We are the only immediate family left and the person who suggesed that we are not close is clearly WRONG!  My question was why my sister sent MEa Facebook message to tell me of the imminent death and then sent my husband a message to tell me when he thought it was best to inform me.  I don't expect to be shielded. I knew it would only be days because he was in hospice.  I just didn't know why I needed to be informed by her with three separate messages while out of town.  In addition, his family also posted it on Facebook.Thank you to those who have been sensitive to the situation.  I haven't posted in years and I see some people are still the same.



Please don't defend yourself,or your relationship with your sister. Those mean nasty posts are outrageous. How in the world anyone could come to that conclusion about you, and your family on a forum is simply pure ignorance. Don't pay attention to posts like that period. 

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ITA with manny., and I understand everything you said. We shouldn't judge anyone's situation when we don't know the whole story.  

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@Thrive wrote:

Thank you for not making mean assumptions about our closeness as sisters.  We are the only immediate family left and the person who suggesed that we are not close is clearly WRONG!  My question was why my sister sent MEa Facebook message to tell me of the imminent death and then sent my husband a message to tell me when he thought it was best to inform me.  I don't expect to be shielded. I knew it would only be days because he was in hospice.  I just didn't know why I needed to be informed by her with three separate messages while out of town.  In addition, his family also posted it on Facebook.Thank you to those who have been sensitive to the situation.  I haven't posted in years and I see some people are still the same.









It sounds as if she was trying to be considerate of your feelings and at how you might react.



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Actually, the poster should be discussing this incident with her sister, not with strangers on a forum.

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@Thrive wrote:

Thank you, we are close.  I did thank her for the message on my husband's phone. However, she did not know it was me who responded to the text.  As far as she knows,  only my husband know about her text.  She sent it directly to him to avoid stressing me because of my illness.  Your advice is well taken.



you probably should have been honest with her that it was you responding when you responded to her text on your husbands phone.


i thought it was quite considerate of her to let him know and leave it up to him whether or not to tell you.


for me, i want to be notified when i am out of town......death, problems, home issues......anything. let ME be the judge of whether or not i will deal with while i am away or come home to deal with it. i can make my own adult decisions in both good times and in bad times.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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The fact of the matter is ,none of us know what we will do, or how we will feel ,until you are in this situation


Emotions take over,and  all you can do ,is the best that you are able to under the circumstances


A life is gone , and for me ,that would take precedent over everything else..i rather think this is urgent

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I would never turn off my phone even if I was on vacation. It’s how I would miss news like this.
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@blackhole99 wrote:

Actually, the poster should be discussing this incident with her sister, not with strangers on a forum.

I half agree with you.  She should, and maybe at this point has, discussed it with her sister.  But posters sometimes post an issue here first, to get some feedback as to where such a conversation may go...