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Posts: 91
Registered: ‎04-15-2011

Dear friends....My friend and I were surprised to see pluggy was sitting up and very alert and off the IV so quickly... and eating solid foods and drinking water... And laying with his favorite toy Gruff that Libby brought to him yesterday..His vitals are much better white blood count down red count up slightly .. Kidney's functioning more normaly now. The doctor thinks the problems with the organs were from the pancreatitis ...Spleen slightly more enlarged then first thought.. No sign of cancer anywhere.. On Sunday a kidney specialist will be in to exam him and read over the report from this morning and yesterday... Today is his best day since this happened. We walked in and he put his beautiful face to the opening of the cage .. I took his paw and he curled his claw nails around my hand an he just looked at me with a face that can melt anyones heart. I sat there with him until he became more relaxed and shut his eyes and went into a very comfortable position and went to sleep . I gave him kisses and hugs from the family and all of you....He is on hills diet prescription diet i/d low fat GI restore. Which he came to love and responding very well to.[the nurse told me] Dry and wet formula. and I was happy to hear this.. We will be able to take him home on Tuesday.. another sonogram will be performed on Monday on the kidney.... and we will see what is what from there..I am a little more hopeful then I was this morning..And I made a promise to Pluggy we will never ever give up on him. Blessing to all of you..And Thank you again.