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@hippiechick7897 Ha!  That last one especially had me ROFL!!

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I'm sure they never stopped laughing!!!!Smiley Happy

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oh my gosh, these stories are toooo funny,thanks for sharing guys

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My cousin was a wild child but because he was so much fun and adorable he got away with so many things.  We were at the mall and he disappeared.  He was "swimming" in the water fountain with a crowd of people laughing and cheering him on.  My aunt was so embarrassed to have to claim him.

When we went to a restaurant and no one was looking he would get on the table and start singing.  Again to the delight of customers.  When he grew up wouldn't you know he started a pretty popular rock & roll group that had plenty of gigs.  Some things are just meant to be I guess.

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I was shopping at my local grocery store with my very young son, and we were at the end of the aisle and there was a very large "curvy" lady in the middle of the aisle shopping, and my son blurts out rather loudly, "WHY IS THAT LADY SO FAT?"


I was mortified and hurried him out of the store. 

......You look like I need a drink.....
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While we were on a cruise to Bermuda when our son was 5 years old, we stopped into a very nice shop in Hamilton, thinking to buy some Waterford crystal wine glasses. Although you could get them there for a much better price than at home, they were still expensive. Someone must have made a comment about the price and DS piped up and said loudly, in his most angelic voice, "In our family, when we can't afford something, we say 'Charge it'." I was mortified, but everyone else in the shop just chuckled. He didn't know what they were laughing about. 

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You remember what you did at age 2?  Wow.  It's really surprising you didn't get sick.  I've heard of tring a cocktail when an adult wasn't looking but they repelled the taste, made a face, and set it down.  

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I taught my son impeccable manners.  As far as burping and having gas goes, I taught him they were bodily functions that everyone experienced and instead of laughing and giggling he should just say excuse me.  So, we were at a local football game and I was across the field and he was in the bleachers with my sister waiting for me to bring him a drink and he had passed gas.  He yelled "Mom, excuse me."  I didn't respond verbally and just waved to him.  He would not accept that and he kept yelling it over and over "excuse me Mom, I had gas."  My sister was so embarrassed.  I finally yelled back to him "OK."  Just so he would stop.  My sister was mortified.

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Re: Unusual topic today

[ Edited ]

Thank goodness @viva923  you slept it off safely wow! All these stories have me laughing lol


I was just 9 and at a family dinner with my  grandarents and Aunts. My sisters and I had just been to the movies to see Airplane.  My Aunt was being quite loud and annoying everyone with her bragging so I turned to her, rolled my eyes at her and said "looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue".  That was a quote from the movie. She did not find that as amusing as I did 😄

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One Christmas season, my son who was about 4 at the time sat on Santa's lap and proclaimed he wanted bread and meat for Christmas, no toys.


The same child came down the stairs while we had company with my bra on his head which completely filled out one of the cups and said " Hat, Mommy, hat."  He was around two.


Again, he got into a box of tampons and opened up most of what was in the box and removed the applicators and tied the strings together. He proudly showed off his project to our neighbors and his friends.


My daughter was an only child until she was five.  She really wanted a little sister and was always telling me how We could " get" one.  Once in church she loudly announced that we should pray for a new baby because what we were doing wasn't working. Even the priest laughed.


At the grocery store in the winter time, she said we should buy a watermelon.  I explained that watermelons weren't in season and we should look at other fruits instead.


She said, I had to buy a watermelon so I could have a baby.  I asked her who told her that.  She said no one.  She just figured it out.  If you ate the watermelon seeds a baby would grow.  I kinda cute.


Then she said, if we want a white baby I would have to eat a white watermelon seed and if we wanted a black baby, I would have to eat a black seed.  There were plenty of people around who heard her. I couldn't get out of that store fast enough.