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I had the MRI today.  Also had my headache all night and didnt sleep well.  I have tried Excedrin, Advil and Tylenol.  Nothing really touches it as far as the pain and pressure.  I have not asked my DR about what I should take.  She had told me just use the Flonase and get all these tests done. Then we would talk about treatment. MY husband thinks she would give me something and that she doesnt realize I have a headache pretty much every day.  They fluctuate in severity and I seem to be functioning pretty normal in spite of them.  Maybe I'm jsut getting used to them.  Either way I'm concerned I will not sleep well enough for my sleep study scheduled for tonight if I have the same situation again.  The loud MRI for almost an hour did not help the headache but hopefully between now and tonight it goes away.  I wil try advil again wihen the six hours is up from the last time I took it.  Any suggestions?

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@dennylilly - Sorry you are going through this. My girlfriend suffers from migraines and she gets so ill from them. I know she has been on prescribed meds for a long time.


Perhaps your doctor did not want to prescribe anything yet so it would not interfere with any testing that will be done.


Good Luck with your sleep study.

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'I know' that most people don't want to hear this:


It won't hurt to wander around your house, looking for 'triggers' such as highly scented candles, pesticide odors, bleach and other cleaning odors, moth balls, etc., etc.


You'd be surprised at some of the 'triggers' that cause chronic headaches and other problems.


We knew of someone who almost always had to be taken to the ER because of severe lung/breathing problems during the night.

'Come to find out', (after my detective work) his problem was always after the cleaning lady was there, each week or two, during the day.


Also, the potpourri in their bedroom didn't help matters.


It's always a good idea to be a 'detective', look around, see and smell anything that could be an allergy headache 'trigger'.


(And, it goes without saying, make sure pillowcases and sheets are fragrance free (laundry products); no fabric softeners, as they leave a coating.)

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010




In a clinical setting, for the Advil to do any good at all, it must be an 800mg dose every 6 hours.  Anything less and you're not going to recceive the anti-inflammatory response needed.  This is the amount an MD would prescribe.


If I were in your boots, I would, in the meantime, get my self to a noted Urgent Care and ask for a physician to see you.  Then tell the physician the duration, type and difficulty you've had in getting any relief whatsoever.  Asking for an rx for a pharmacological dose of an NSAID, would be the decent way to go.  OR - if you're brave, as for 6 each 5mg oxycodone tablets (in case 5mg is not strong enough for you and you need to take 2 each for a 10mg dose).

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[ Edited ]

I had a sleep study done and they gave me a script for 2 sleep aid pills and they worked very nicely.


I wouldn't have slept well at all being hooked up to wires looking like you're about to board the space shuttle, as well as sleeping on an unfamiliar bed and in a strange room. 


I did need a Bi-pap machine and that has helped reduce my headaches.


There could be several different causes for your head pain, so if one treatment doesn't get rid of all of it, then keep trying to find the cause for the rest of the pain.


I know odors, even good ones like flowers, trigger migraines for me, too.


 Good luck!


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Posts: 216
Registered: ‎04-07-2010


The sleep study went ok i guess.  Within first hour I needed the mask.  I definitely have a pretty bad case of sleep apnea. This frustrates me since I did not have what my dr told me was the main symptom which was sleepy during the day.  Apparently that is not such a big one after all.  Since I felt like I was getting enough sleep and wasnt tired in the mornings I did not worry about the snoring.  So I am glad she sent me for it so now I will hopefully feel better even though I didn't think I felt bad.  anyway I called to schedule the followup and they can't get me in till next Thursday.  WE are supposed to leave on our vacation on Friday. Not sure if I want to go if I still feel like this AND I won't know my MRI results until the day before we leave.  Pray for me to get thru this trying time.  Thanks everyone.