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A HUGE storm - effects from Tampa up to New England.  Our town in Florida is only on the edge of it - thank goodness.  But we are getting rain up in Pittsburgh from it as well, and north from here up into Maine and lower Canada.  Stay high and dry everyone. Many areas that were hit by tropical storm Bonnie last week are getting hit again by Colin.

Seems like it's going to be a busy storm season - it's a long time until November.

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Glad you made it back safe and sound.  Hope you found things okay when you got home. 

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!
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We have an alert here but we're to the east and, if Colin stays on course, we should not have it too bad. Very gray day though. Switched to an all-weather tote!

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Friends of mine were on vacay in the outer banks last week and it rained almost the entire time they were there from Bonnie. 



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Here we go again! This one seems to be a fast mover. 

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was just watching our noon news. i am at the delaware beaches and they are saying we will probably only get some cloud cover for a while tomorrow night maybe? they dont seem to be too concerned in this particular area.


we had some severe thunderstorms, high winds, and on/off heavy rains last night, but today it is a gorgeous day!

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Right now it is gorgeous here in SW Pa. but we are predicted to be going to get rain for the next 2 days then cool temps.  I predict the weather is going to be totally psycotic this entire summer.

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Finally some rain in Anchorage, AK!  Past 2 yrs. have been very dry...

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Lots of flooding here right now. Bad thunderstorm, heavy rain, winds. Poured rain all night.


Too many roads closed to report them all on the news. Electrical outages because of tree limbs down.


Sounds like it is supposed to pass in a few hours.