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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Toni Girls - 4th of July

@lynnie61   For us of a certain age, we who lived in or near cities, seem to have shared similar experiences, back in the day. We had a Grants store too. That was the last one to close , here. I am glad that my children are old enough to remember all the nice stores that we once had and the times they enjoyed

shopping and having lunches downtown.


  Your mother must have loved the teal pitcher and glass set. What a thoughtful gift that you and your sister got for her. It's

so nice that your sister still has the pitcher. I would have loved that set.


   Teal , aqua and turquoise are my favorite colors. My first memory of falling in love with teal/aqua, goes back to when I was about three years old.


  I remember that I was barely tall enough to see above the window sill, to look outside. It was late in the day, before sunset and what caught my eye, was one of those teal/aqua glass insulators that we used to see on the telephone poles.


  I though that it was the most beautiful color that I had ever seen, with the sunlight shining through it. Now, I have one of those insulators on my bookshelf.


  I had that box of 64 Crayolas and always went for the blue-green color. When I was about 7 or  8 years old, I purchased my first silver and turquoise ring and bracelet, at the Penobscot

Indian Reservation in Old Town, Maine. I have been collecting

turquoise and silver ever since then.


 When my children were grown and I worked full time, the first fine jewelry piece that I bought for myself, was a London Blue Topaz and diamond ring. I gave it to my great-grand daughter for her 10th birthday. Her favorite color is teal.


 With three daughters, a daughter in law, two grand daughters

and five great-grand daughters, I have been giving them a lot

of my jewelry and have so much more to give them and the little ones, when they are older.


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Registered: ‎05-22-2014

Re: Toni Girls - 4th of July


My Dear Donna,


Sorry to hear of your issues with this wonky site.  It is very frustrating,  but so glad you were ultimately able to post.


How nice of you daughters to take you to a Greek restaurant.  
What wonderful food there, I bet.

And sorry to hear of your SIL's way of dealing with her post-COVID issues.  I guess some people fail to realize that sooner or later, you have to deal with issues that will not go away.


My DH has had a few issues lately.  Nothing that was not taken care of.  Best of outcomes.  We all have access to the best medical care, but it is our role to deal with any issues that arise as soon as possible.  Not fun, but no place to run - no place to hide.


Oh, my house!  You would have to realize how out of control it has been here.  It took me forever to deal with an overwhelming amount of clothing.  My bad.  Still so much to do around the house.  Books!   Collections!  On and on.  I do feel a sense of panic, because at our ages I do not know how much longer we will be here.  And when first passes, no one would stay here alone.  Even with hiring, it is quite a job.  We have kept everything up quite well, but attic, cellar, three car garage, etc. full of stuff.  I had thought I would start clearing out when I retired,  but things worked out differently.


I am so looking forward to seeing Toni's latest outfit, and admiring your talent!  It is sad to see so many lovely skills lost nowadays.  Years back, so many lessons were taught.  No longer, at least around here.  I remember when the Hitchcock factory closed in Riverton, CT.  All those skills gone.  I treasure the few pieces we have.  

I do hope you are feeling well.  Yes, this hot and humid weather is something else.  It makes you feel like Florida weather has arrived!  Happy to stay inside with AC.  It is not healthy for many of us to be outside.  

Glad you, like me, are enjoying some of these history shows.

It is also good to read.  And spending "time in the quiet."

Like you, I refuse to watch the news on tv in any form.  I used to be a "news junkie," watching way too much, wanting to see all the expert opinions.  No more.  No way.  I read a paragraph or two summary.  That is it.  All I can do is pray and vote.  
There is so much going on that confounds me!


Please take care and stay cool.  Looking forward to your next post...


Your friend,

Love sent,






Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,284
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Toni Girls - 4th of July

@PamfromCT         Dear Pam,

                             How are you doing in this oppressive heat and humidity? I pretty much have been staying inside and keeping cool. 


  Today it was 92 and I did have to go out for  Dr. appointment. It was just follow up appointment to check on my blood pressure. She said that it was good. I do monitor it at home and I do see a slight increase, when I eat anything that is a little high in sodium.


  I usually keep away from those things, but it is difficult when I'm making meals for two men. I'm not into making two different meals. I really don't have much interest planning meals and cooking. After 60 years of this, it has gotten old.


   The only thing that I enjoy, is baking and I don't do that much anymore. I baked every week, when I was feeding a family of

seven. Now, I don't need all those calories.


    But, I do have some blueberries and am thinking of making muffins soon. I have a great recipe, that I have been making since the 70's. It came from Jordan Marsh, which was a department store in Boston and one at our mall. They had a bakery and their muffins were the best. They are more cake like and not coarse in texture. I wish that I had one now.


  Today, I talked to my sister- in- law and she did go to the doctor. He said that he didn't think that she has long Covid,

just a "virus". Today my doctor told me that the cough can linger for weeks. I wore a mask at the Dr.'s office and supermarket afterwards. I did not see another person wearing mask. I would rather be safe than sorry.


  Your house sounds like mine, way too much of everything.

I have so many collections of things, mostly stored away.

But all the clothes and books, with no place to put it all.

One day, I'll get motivated to get rid of stuff. Yeah, right!


  We have house full of stuff and have inherited pieces of furniture from parents and grand parents. My mother and grand mother loved Hitchcock furniture and I have a few of their pieces. When my husband moved into my house, he also brought two Hitchcock tables.


  I think that you are right, so many skills, I fear will be lost in the future.


  I'm glad that I started sewing again. Creating things is fun for me. I photographed Toni in her next outfit and will post it soon.


  Our July flowers are all in bloom and I will post those pictures too.


  Last Friday, I had my porch painted and it looks so fresh and new.  But, it is just too hot to sit out there, now. I like to sit out there in the morning and have my breakfast. Sometimes we eat dinner outside, but it has to cool down a little and not be so humid, before we do that again.


 In the morning, I go out to feed the birds and squirrels and fill the three birdbaths. Then I go right back inside and stay in the A/C. I get on the computer and go down rabbit holes, reading stuff online. Too much of that blue light probably isn't good to

be exposed to.


 When it is cooler, I'll sit on the porch and read or do a little hand sewing and watch the birds and squirrels. I aspire to some really wild times!


  Now, I'm going to bring up my laundry, get ready for bed and

do some crossword puzzles before I go to sleep.


        Stay well and stay cool.

