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Re: To Grandmother's House We Go: Traveling To Them or They Traveling To You?

Thanks Romary. You have a great holiday season also!
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: To Grandmother's House We Go: Traveling To Them or They Traveling To You?

The're coming here, but not until the weekend. Christmas day will be low-key here, and we're going out for dinner! will be a no-cooking day for me this year.

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Re: To Grandmother's House We Go: Traveling To Them or They Traveling To You?

Christmas EVE DAY is dinner at our house with my family. DH and I are making turkey dinner. The previous 5 years my daughter made dinner at her house (ham) but this year my children asked if I could make a turkey dinner because they love my turkey. (I had been giving up cooking big dinners due to my back but since DH said he would help we are hosting this year).

Christmas DAY we travel out of town (approx. 2 hrs) to my in laws to celebrate with my husbands family .

(Hoping AND praying my back holds up through it all, because as I said Im not used to hosting Christmas Eve anymore).

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: To Grandmother's House We Go: Traveling To Them or They Traveling To You?

Shorty, I have the back problem too. I've got a simple wood stool from Walmart that I perch on and can do most everything, especially stuff at the sink. Send your DH to the stove. I know big dinners are a lot of work. Try and keep it as simple as possible.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: To Grandmother's House We Go: Traveling To Them or They Traveling To You?

My two are coming here, but they don't have to travel very far. They both live here in town.
