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Re: Tim Conway Has Dementia - Family Fight Too?

The last five years of my mother's life was one of seeing her disappear from the very capable woman she once was to being unable to care for herself in the most basic way.  I'm an only child and sometimes wished I had a couple sibs to help, but realized if more people were involved there'd be different opinions which could lead to arguments, etc. 


We're living longer, but if the final years include dementia.....that's not really living, it's just existing.  


Any family dealing with a loved one who has dementia has my sincere sympathy. 

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Re: Tim Conway Has Dementia - Family Fight Too?

@this is my nic wrote:

The last five years of my mother's life was one of seeing her disappear from the very capable woman she once was to being unable to care for herself in the most basic way.  I'm an only child and sometimes wished I had a couple sibs to help, but realized if more people were involved there'd be different opinions which could lead to arguments, etc. 


We're living longer, but if the final years include dementia.....that's not really living, it's just existing.  


Any family dealing with a loved one who has dementia has my sincere sympathy. 


Thoughtful post.💗

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Re: Tim Conway Has Dementia - Family Fight Too?

A comforting message from Bob Newhart's Twitter account:


To the many fans and friends of Tim Conway, We have been friends with Charlene and Tim for many years and want to assure you that he is receiving the most devoted care. Sincerely, Ginnie and Bob Newhart

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Re: Tim Conway Has Dementia - Family Fight Too?

@momtochloe wrote:

A comforting message from Bob Newhart's Twitter account:


To the many fans and friends of Tim Conway, We have been friends with Charlene and Tim for many years and want to assure you that he is receiving the most devoted care. Sincerely, Ginnie and Bob Newhart


@momtochloeWow - that's pretty interesting.  Thanks for posting.


I haven't seen you in a while, but just wanted to let you know I think of you when a good Columbo is on!

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Re: Tim Conway Has Dementia - Family Fight Too?

@Pearlee, hee!  Rick back at you my friend . . . Smiley Happy

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Re: Tim Conway Has Dementia - Family Fight Too?

[ Edited ]

@goldensrbest wrote:

What a funny guy, loved him on carol burnete show ,that is sad to hear about him,sometimes we can not trust our families.

Yes, I remember the Casey Kasum situation when his wife Jean wouldn't even let Casey's children see him and moved him to an institution in the state of Washington. He had Parkinson's with Lewy bodies. I wonder if Tim has actually had a stroke. Usually that affects the swallowing mechanism.