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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

this is going way back but does anyone remember the 'tater tot casserole' thread? oh my lawd what a catastrophe!!! LOLOLOLOL

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

On 4/9/2015 sfnative said:


This thread is hilarious!

Do you know how hard it has been for me not to laugh? You see I can't 'cause I have that freaking pneumonia and if I let one little laugh out, I'm a gonner for 30 minutes!

sfnative: Hope you are doing better today!

Remember ER Doc? Who posted while in an ambulance tending to a patient? I believe she would also say she was posting from the ER.


These are all too funny - some of these I had forgotten.

I posted once, and only once, on the Beauty Forum. I asked a question about BE brushes and was summarily lectured about "common sense". I felt like I had ended up in the negative number on Jeopardy or something. ROTFL!

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

I think most of foot-stomping goes on in the kitchen-talk forum, it can literally turn into a food fight there.

That sometimes happens but I find the recipe swap to be a nice place. Sometimes you get comments about something not being healthy enough but people are generally nice over there. Now when it comes to talking about the cooking host, the yum-yum and happy dance people come out.

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

Beauty and Fashion scare me. They make VP look calm sometimes.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

Tipping seems to be a major topic of contention around here.

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

On 4/10/2015 Cakers1 said:
On 4/9/2015 sfnative said:


This thread is hilarious!

Do you know how hard it has been for me not to laugh? You see I can't 'cause I have that freaking pneumonia and if I let one little laugh out, I'm a gonner for 30 minutes!

sfnative: Hope you are doing better today!

Remember ER Doc? Who posted while in an ambulance tending to a patient? I believe she would also say she was posting from the ER.


These are all too funny - some of these I had forgotten.

I posted once, and only once, on the Beauty Forum. I asked a question about BE brushes and was summarily lectured about "common sense". I felt like I had ended up in the negative number on Jeopardy or something. ROTFL!

Oh my gosh, I can never forget her. She had me fooled hook line and sinker. She said she worked at Johns-Hopkins. I was so stupid I asked her if she was acquainted with a doctor I knew there. {#emotions_dlg.blushing} When it finally blew up and it became obvious she was a fraud...boy, did that ever teach me a lesson in catfishing.

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Registered: ‎10-09-2012

Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

On 4/9/2015 faeriemoon said:
On 4/9/2015 lulu2 said:

My maid broke an expensive statue (or was it a vase) then lied about it.

I'm picking up my new monogram Louis Vuitton daddy bought me.

Where is ""she"" anyway? Haven't seen her for a while. She's usually good for a laugh.

Bring it. -HIF
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,829
Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

On 4/10/2015 Heiress-inFL said:
On 4/9/2015 faeriemoon said:
On 4/9/2015 lulu2 said:

My maid broke an expensive statue (or was it a vase) then lied about it.

I'm picking up my new monogram Louis Vuitton daddy bought me.

Where is ""she"" anyway? Haven't seen her for a while. She's usually good for a laugh.

Bring it. -HIF

Haters gonna hate. I haven't seen you in a while. Hope all is well!

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,776
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

On 4/10/2015 Heiress-inFL said:
On 4/9/2015 faeriemoon said:
On 4/9/2015 lulu2 said:

My maid broke an expensive statue (or was it a vase) then lied about it.

I'm picking up my new monogram Louis Vuitton daddy bought me.

Where is "she" anyway? Haven't seen her for a while. She's usually good for a laugh.

Bring it. -HIF

Okay, I admit that. That comeback made me laugh{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Hope you are doing well, Heiress.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,590
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

On 4/10/2015 Irshgrl31201 said:
On 4/10/2015 Heiress-inFL said:
On 4/9/2015 faeriemoon said:
On 4/9/2015 lulu2 said:

My maid broke an expensive statue (or was it a vase) then lied about it.

I'm picking up my new monogram Louis Vuitton daddy bought me.

Where is ""she"" anyway? Haven't seen her for a while. She's usually good for a laugh.

Bring it. -HIF

Haters gonna hate. I haven't seen you in a while. Hope all is well!

As do I.