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Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

I didn't want to keep going ot on HH's thread so this is just for fun. Please try to keep it light.

We had the chopsticks thread and the expensive toast thread.{}

Canned soup and crockpots.{#emotions_dlg.blink}

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

I still don't understand the crock pot drama.........and we aren't even going to the chopsticks......................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

Strapless wedding dresses...

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

Boxed wine

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

Pantyhose and hygiene.

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

The Susan Graver Star Trek top thread.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

Pantyhose. Hahaha.

I loved our Saturday Night Beauty threads (that's going way back), the Sasquatch TSV and (okay, I'm vain) the Ask Mellie threads. Smiley Happy

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

drinking beer from the bottle...

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Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

On 4/8/2015 SnowPink said:

Pantyhose. Hahaha.

I loved our Saturday Night Beauty threads (that's going way back), the Sasquatch TSV and (okay, I'm vain) the Ask Mellie threads. Smiley Happy

Heya Mel: I miss the Ask Mellie threads. And the Friday night par-tays.

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Registered: ‎04-19-2013

Re: Threads Gone But Not Forgotten-Just for Fun

I saw one where people got really worked up about how often (or not often) people change out their towels & washcloths..........really worked up.......