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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@bonnielu wrote:

Many of my friends have lost their husbands.  I am one of the lucky ones.  I have been married to my best friend for  50 years this June.  Nothing he could ever do would make me angry or upset.  Heck he has learned to boil water and match his shoes and belt to his pants (square dance concern). LOL



Congrats on 50 years!



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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

bonnielu wrote:

Many of my friends have lost their husbands.  I am one of the lucky ones.  I have been married to my best friend for  50 years this June.  Nothing he could ever do would make me angry or upset.  Heck he has learned to boil water and match his shoes and belt to his pants (square dance concern). LOL


That's VERY cool!  I love that.  Congrats on a beautifully successful marriage and life together.  (I sought a 'thumbs up' emoticon but there isn't one here anymore)

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)


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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

Thanks, Plaid!  Smiley Happy

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@chickenbutt wrote:

Thanks, Plaid!  Smiley Happy






You're welcome!

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@chickenbutt wrote:

@bonnielu wrote:

Many of my friends have lost their husbands.  I am one of the lucky ones.  I have been married to my best friend for  50 years this June.  Nothing he could ever do would make me angry or upset.  Heck he has learned to boil water and match his shoes and belt to his pants (square dance concern). LOL


That's VERY cool!  I love that.  Congrats on a beautifully successful marriage and life together.  (I sought a 'thumbs up' emoticon but there isn't one here anymore)



Just copy & paste this one. I keep them in a file in my email.



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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

Handsome and I went on a weekend spa getaway.  We had a wonderful time together!  I had to share this story with you…


I like to know where we’re going a few steps in advance so I can be on the lookout for exits and mile markers, etc.  So, we’re moving right along and I ask, “Do you remember if we get off at exit 155 or 156?” 


And Handsome responds:  “Hmmm…well, I know this next exit coming up is where that old golf course used to be, the one where I rammed Eddie’s golf cart because he stopped on a dime and all our clubs fell out of the cart and he almost overturned hahaha that was funny...that restaurant everyone raves about is a few miles beyond the golf course…I took my girls there when they were little and 5 minutes after we left they got sick in my new truck…what a mess…now this exit is where you get off for the best used motors in town…got a great deal on a motor for the boat back in 19aught6 when the original motor finally died…clunk thud ping clunk thud ping is what it sounded like…did you see that eagle?! [finger pointing right across the bridge of my nose].  They make a swooshing noise in the woods and that’s how you know they’re on the hunt for dinner…swoosh swoosh swoosh [hand swooshing back and forth]…this next exit is where daddy swore he saw a UFO…’I see a UFO!,’ he says to momma…momma said ‘You did not see a UFO Johnny’…daddy says, ‘I certainly know a UFO when I see one, Gertie!’…which set momma to laughing so hard she sprained a muscle in her stomach and was ill with everyone the whole rest of our trip hahahahaha [slaps the steering wheel]…back in my high school days, we had a big party in that field blahblahblah


When he finally runs out of steam 5 or 10 minutes later, do I know the answer to my question?  No I do not!  So I patiently and lovingly ask again…on a good day, I get an answer right away…on a bad day, he starts in again.  My handsome husband is a storyteller with visuals and sounds!


Drives. Me. Crazy (but in a good way)!


~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

Eons ago when I was a young married girl, my first turnoff with my DH was that he insisted on using cloth handkerchiefs which he blew into many times each day.


I learned to wash them all by themselves in hot water with rubber gloves, and even then had to "attend" to them before I put them in the dryer.


I bought him huge man-size tissues as a hint, but he never took it.


And that was the least of it.

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

This isn't anything that drives me crazy, it actually makes me laugh.  My DH has the uncanny knack for having to go to the bathroom everytime I'm taking a shower, if he's home.  And when that happens, I lose water pressure but what does come out, turns to scalding hot water.


The other night it happened again and I got out of the shower and told him that I swore, he could be in a coma but he'd come out of it to flush the toilet as soon as I got into the shower!  Smiley LOL




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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@LyndaGee wrote:

@JustJazzmom wrote:

DH has a habit of leaving the room when a game is on. If I turn off the TV, he comes back and says "I was watching that!"


My story is very similar:  He puts a football game on, but ends up dozing off during it.  I come in and change the channel, and he wakes up and says: "Hey, I was watching that" !!!


@LyndaGee @JustJazzmom


You two haven't learned the trick obviously.  You slowly turn down the volume, then make the channel change and raise the volume a tadSmiley Happy