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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@RedTop wrote:

I took early retirement 3 years ago due to my husbands poor health.  Prior to my retirement, I asked my husband to swiffer and dust the furniture once a week, and do some easy cooking, or prep work for our dinner before I got home.   My husband also washed the dishes after we ate.   Now that I'm home every day, we have readjusted his helping out routine, due to his neuropathy.   He has become more of my sous chef with the peeling, slicing, dicing, and chopping.  


However, he still insists on doing his favorite thing, which is to wash dishes and clean up the kitchen.   I don't have a problem with him doing the job, and I always get out of his way and let him have at it.   By the time he's done, every surface is clear and clear, dishes put away, he's rinsed the dish cloth and hung the dish towel----kitchen looks great.   


My issue?   Listening to him fuss about limited space in the refrigerator, when he is the one who has put our leftovers in the largest bowls he can find.  Having to re-wash something that's greasy.   Finding he has washed the well seasoned iron skillet once again, instead of wiping it out with a paper towel.  And trying to find my utensils.   We've lived in this house 34 years, and even with a new kitchen, everything is almost exactly where it's always been, but to him, a new kitchen means everything is new and different.  I have now asked him to leave things in the dish drainer if he's not sure where it goes, and I will put it away.   


I appreciate my husband and tell him so every day.  I am extremely thankful his health is stable for now and our lives are good.   But I am OCD, and have a real problem when my things aren't just so-so.  I absolutely, positively will not argue with my husband over anything, but am getting closer and closer to either pulling my hair out, or biting off my tongue.   Thanks for letting me vent.   

@RedTop*****I know just what you mean.  At our house, the one that cooks puts away the leftovers, and the other does the dishes and counter tops.  I think most guys hava an issue with spacial relationships.

They over shoot the size of the bowl for the leftovers!

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

I have so enjoyed reading this thread! I've had many giggles. I'm going on eight years as a widow, and have thought and thought about what things he did that caused me angst and I can't come up with a single one. Not that there surely weren't any, but that the passage of time makes the memories of love predominate. Don't feel badly, any of you, for venting. Your love is clearly evident!

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@MaggieMack wrote:

I have so enjoyed reading this thread! I've had many giggles. I'm going on eight years as a widow, and have thought and thought about what things he did that caused me angst and I can't come up with a single one. Not that there surely weren't any, but that the passage of time makes the memories of love predominate. Don't feel badly, any of you, for venting. Your love is clearly evident!

@MaggieMack  Oh,  I'm so sorry; I didn't know you are a widow.  And for eight years.  Gosh you were widowed much too young (as if there were any "good" time - not).  That's sad.  Again so sorry. Smiley Sad

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

My husband has always been too sensitive, I have to watch how I word things that  matter because he gets hurt easily and then he pouts. Also, since he's gotten older he only hears what he wants to hear so we get our wires crossed.LOL

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

My DH has the same problem in judging which bowl to use for leftovers. I tell him it will fit in such and such bowl and then I find its in the one size above that in the fridge!!


He also cannot visualize what an entire room will look like from a paint swatch or a fabric swatch (for a chair say).


Maybe women are better at color comparisons than men?

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@ECBG wrote:

@RedTop wrote:

I took early retirement 3 years ago due to my husbands poor health.  Prior to my retirement, I asked my husband to swiffer and dust the furniture once a week, and do some easy cooking, or prep work for our dinner before I got home.   My husband also washed the dishes after we ate.   Now that I'm home every day, we have readjusted his helping out routine, due to his neuropathy.   He has become more of my sous chef with the peeling, slicing, dicing, and chopping.  


However, he still insists on doing his favorite thing, which is to wash dishes and clean up the kitchen.   I don't have a problem with him doing the job, and I always get out of his way and let him have at it.   By the time he's done, every surface is clear and clear, dishes put away, he's rinsed the dish cloth and hung the dish towel----kitchen looks great.   


My issue?   Listening to him fuss about limited space in the refrigerator, when he is the one who has put our leftovers in the largest bowls he can find.  Having to re-wash something that's greasy.   Finding he has washed the well seasoned iron skillet once again, instead of wiping it out with a paper towel.  And trying to find my utensils.   We've lived in this house 34 years, and even with a new kitchen, everything is almost exactly where it's always been, but to him, a new kitchen means everything is new and different.  I have now asked him to leave things in the dish drainer if he's not sure where it goes, and I will put it away.   


I appreciate my husband and tell him so every day.  I am extremely thankful his health is stable for now and our lives are good.   But I am OCD, and have a real problem when my things aren't just so-so.  I absolutely, positively will not argue with my husband over anything, but am getting closer and closer to either pulling my hair out, or biting off my tongue.   Thanks for letting me vent.   

@RedTop*****I know just what you mean.  At our house, the one that cooks puts away the leftovers, and the other does the dishes and counter tops.  I think most guys hava an issue with spacial relationships.

They over shoot the size of the bowl for the leftovers!


And at times even the toilet bowl !!!

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

The only thing that DH does that drives me crazy is, takes the trash and recycles out @ 3 PM the day before they get taken, because he ends up having to go out again twice later or in the morning with Why not just take it out later to begin with?


The above is very minimal. lol..Otherwise my husband does nothing to annoy me. He is the best husband in the world and I  have no complaints. I am sure I annoy him way more with my health problems but he never complains. He has stuck by me (for better or worse) through lots, and we do everything together.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@meem120 wrote:

What..What..What..???  No matter what I say, he asks what?   Makes me nuts!!



And to expand on that, mine will always ask "What?", but before I can repeat myself, he answers my question, so he heard it in the first place!



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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

[ Edited ]

Well, I must have the only one who's a loud sneezer AND a picky eater.


He's a meat & 'taters guy from Ohio, who only eats what he's eaten for his entire life, LOL!


Never will try new things or new ways of cooking one of the few dishes he'll eat. I can count on one hand, the only vegetables he'll eat.


I'm a southern girl who'll eat any vegetable out there, who's not too big of a meat eater. I prefer seafood! I will eat a good hamburger every now and then, but that's about it for me with meat.


At least it takes the work out of menu planning.....whatever that is, LOL!


But bless his heart, he'll eat these same few dishes with no complaints......over and over and over and over.


But it's worked for us for 20 years, so I guess I'll keep him!



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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

Many of my friends have lost their husbands.  I am one of the lucky ones.  I have been married to my best friend for  50 years this June.  Nothing he could ever do would make me angry or upset.  Heck he has learned to boil water and match his shoes and belt to his pants (square dance concern). LOL