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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)



There are times when he will have the television, the computer and the CD player all going at the same time while trying to talk to me.


At that point it's sensory overload.  I want to sit in the corner and melt into a puddle of goo.  

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@MacDUFF wrote:

Handsome sneezes without a big dog barking...scares the living daylights out of me...he thinks it's funny...drives me crazy!


I had a couple of things to list, but this sneezing thing is the weirdest to me.  He also does an ear shattering sound when he clears his throat too.  Of course, he claims he can't help any of it.  Ugh.  Brat.

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

Retirement does INDEED unearth amazing behaviors.

DH taught for 37 years in the same building. I was always a teacher too.


Since we have both retired, DH has developed the habit of "teaching" me. I'm sure that he misses the classroom, but I do get cranky when he launches into a long, windy, pseudo patient lecture about such technical subjects as CHANGING A LIGHTBULB, USING A CAN OPENER, SETTING THE CORRECT VOLUME ON THE TV.


We have discussed this, he know I think he is brilliant, and I'd be totally lost without him.

Still, even after passing his "The Toothpaste Tube Is Your Friend" course, I still get "instruction" at least once a day. 

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)



i wish!  he's a parrot so it is more of a screec! LOL

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@gmkb wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

Do you all expect him to complain about YOU to others?  How would you feel if he did?


Sooner, I may be wrong, but I don't think men complain to each other about their wives.  I think men internalize their frustrations with us.  Women will complain to each other about leaving  lights on, loud sneezing, etc. and feel better.  Men let it build and it releases finally in other ways. 

I guess I just don't see things as an "us against them" gals vs. guys issue.  If either of us has a problem or something that irritates us, we talk about it and resolve the issue.  Small things can sometimes become big things in marriages I think.  So we've tried to avert any issues by being honest and each of us trying to help the other be more comfortable.


Nearly 40 years later it's working fine for us.

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

What..What..What..???  No matter what I say, he asks what?   Makes me nuts!!

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

Gosh, my DH is a gem. I'm so lucky to have him as a partner...


H o w e v e r ... he does do some things that make me cuckoo.  For instance, he never puts things back where he found them. I learned long ago that some things aren't worth the argument, so I'm the putter-awayer in this house, lol.


I've discussed before on the boards that he doesn't eat all day until dinner, and even then he eats very little.  I finally did give up trying to coax him to eat breakfast and lunch... but I have to admit it still makes me nuts.


Also, I believe he has had ADHD since he was a child and it's never been diagnosed.  He gives me the heebie-jeebies.  There's no way he can sit through an entire t.v. show, let alone a movie.  Some woman complain that their men sit in front of the t.v. all day - that will NEVER happen here.


And lastly, because my list is already embarrassingly long, he tends to think he's right about everything. I've learned to avoid arguments, because I'll never win or change his mind.  


@ECBGplease start a flip-thread asking what drives them crazy about us.  I can make an even longer list there!





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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

If we have to go somehere, he doesn't start to get ready until I'm completely ready to go. Which I find annoying, because I always have to wait for him. And I am not the type that takes a long time getting ready. 


He's also completely illiterate when it comes to technology and relys on me for anything in that realm. 



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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@ladyroxanne wrote:

let me count the ways!  the worst is he leaves lights on and leaves the room or the lights are on and the sun is shinging brightly. he has no concept of when to turn lights off and i was raised completely differntly.  you turn lights off when leaving a room.


i know thee are many worse things, so i've learned to live with this.   he really is a very good dh and i wouldn't trade him for anyting.



LOL I can always tell if he's been in the garage because he never turns the light off. 

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

He annoys me.  I annoy him.  So we're even!  ROFL  Smiley HappySmiley HappySmiley HappySmiley HappySmiley Happy

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