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This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

OK!  So we're all gals invited to this party!  What Grrrr! dialogue have with DH ALL the time!  "Never fear!  It's bound to happen!


For me, it's dinner time!  It's been this way forever...big "forever" there!


When the kids were small it was writting on the wall, but he had to form his own company.  Computers finds him in DR offices all days as well as large, really large sites.  They've (i. e. he and friend), have selected down to fairly close so that they don't do driving which throws them out of town at night.  Once they get to their warehouse office, they relax.  They may have finally had lunch at 4:00pm!  That throws dinner at home OFF!    Grrrr.....WE, gals, have hormones that help to shape the bod!  We need to eat earlier!  I'm not saying "we're perfect", but at least we're timely!!!


What's yours?


So, it's eat late or eat alone!     GRRRRRR.....  

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

What gives with all the survey style questions?

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

My (((DH))) always has to have the remote and control over the TV.  I really don't care and always offer the remote to him when he joins me in the living room.  


On a very rare occasion I'll want to watch something and he sometimes grumbles over it or will make fun of my show while it's on.  Now I just DVR my program and watch it later on my own.

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

Handsome sneezes without a big dog barking...scares the living daylights out of me...he thinks it's funny...drives me crazy!


~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

AND he never, and I mean never, sneezes less than 5 times...bark, bark, barkbarkbark and usually more!  It's ridiculous!

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

let me count the ways!  the worst is he leaves lights on and leaves the room or the lights are on and the sun is shinging brightly. he has no concept of when to turn lights off and i was raised completely differntly.  you turn lights off when leaving a room.


i know thee are many worse things, so i've learned to live with this.   he really is a very good dh and i wouldn't trade him for anyting.



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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

MacDuff, are we married to the same guy ? The sneezing is just one of the many amplified bodily noises ! For cryin out loud 😕

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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

@Azcowgirl wrote:

MacDuff, are we married to the same guy ? The sneezing is just one of the many amplified bodily noises ! For cryin out loud 😕




Long lost brothers?  LOL


Bonus:  Handsome goes out on the deck to "air out" as he calls it...G-d bless him.  At least the barking doesn't smell hahahahahahahaha!


~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)

[ Edited ]

Gorgeous got his "gift of gab" from his mother.  Can't send him to the store for a "quick shopping trip."  He always seems to find someone he knows and will talk forever!  He's been good to me for over 30 years and almost 20 years of marriage!  Can't complain too much!Cat Very Happy



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Re: This is just DH gal talk! How Does He Drive You Crazy??? :)



yes, what is it with the barking?  he scares me out of my wits, the dog barks and the bird screams.


is there some reason they need to make such a racket?