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Things I just love to see on You Tube

In a mall area, there's guys on piano playing away!! Usually Boogie Woogie, or Bohemian Raphasidy (sp) and I love it, someone jumps in there and there's a whole lot of music going on.


The other thing, is when these humongous groups of dancers get in and entertain the people going through train stations or in big malls!!  Sometimes, there's singers, sometimes there's whole orchestras.  Or have you seen the Irish dancers clogging?  Just love that sort of thing. 


Music is so good for the soul.

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Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube

Lindsey Sterling and her violin, Disney music videos, crusoe dachshund.

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Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube

Noodlesthepooch, Hammy and Olivia....hilarious 

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Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube

Dry Bar Comedy (comedians playing at a club in Utah)

#shorts that feature animals


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Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube

@mcducky wrote:

Dry Bar Comedy (comedians playing at a club in Utah)

#shorts that feature animals



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Registered: ‎08-31-2015

Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube

Rachael & Vilray - 'Do friends fall in love'

Actually anything they sing, so beautiful..

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Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube

@qualitygal All the dog videos for sure (too many to name there are so many good ones now) and since I love anything supernatural/creepy/sci-fi/horror and I like new movie releases it's nice to watch those.   Also I like trail cam videos of wild life/and gorilla videos of those being studied in the wild.  They are so amazing.  Their family groups are just so fun to watch.  

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Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube

Jason Gould 


The Masquerade ( Cubano Version ) - Dangerous Man -

Bridge Over Troubled Water

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Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube



Most of what I watch on Utube is live music concerts. Elvis and many of the '60's and '70's music groups. I lean towards Southern Gospel, and having my Dolby 5 Surround Sound System, makes me feel like I am there.


hckynut 🇺🇸

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Re: Things I just love to see on You Tube

Love to watch music videos on Youtube. Watch 80s, 90s, early 00s, and retrowave (newest dance music). I will sometimes watch old tv shows, but mostly, I watch the music videos.