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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name

My name is and has been for quite a long time....a "top 10" name for dogs! This has always made me laugh. 

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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name

My name is Patricia, must have been big in the forties. I go by Pat and never minded it because there are so many derivatives you can go by. My last name, both maiden and married are another story ( hard to spell and difficult to pronounce).  DH and I married when I was 40 and had our only child when I was 45. We immediately agreed that if it was a girl we'd name her Paula Patricia and if a boy Patrick Paul. Our son, Patrick, has two boys and his oldest is Patrick Paul Jr. so I guess these names are ageless.

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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name



Interesting.  I checked my name.  In 1959, when I was born, the name Monica ranked 0.125% in popularity.  My parents named me after an orphan girl in Germany they would take on day trips.  This was while dad was stationed in Germany.  I never knew another Monica while growing up and thru college.  Wait!  My mother's sister named her daughter Monica because she loved the name so much.  She asked mom if she would mind.

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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name

[ Edited ]

I don't think Cheryl, Diane, Pam, Linda or any of the other names listed here don't sound old lady. Very pretty names IMO.

Now my name is extremely unusual due to the fact that I was named after a racehorse that my father won some money on at the track.

My mother even got it wrong on my birth certificate and the hospital has to issue a new one. lol

I've never known anyone with my name so people always get it wrong.

Many really weird and funny experiences have occurred because of it. When I turned 18 I was sent a govt letter that I must register for the draft. 🤔 I laughed it off and in the trash it went. Well I got 2 more letters and was told that I needed to report in person and explain why I didn't register or I would be arrested as a draft dodger. WTHeck???

In my 20s I received the American Legion magazine. Again WTHeck?? They wouldn't change it via a phone call so I had to write a letter.

Now my name isn't masculine in any way so I really don't understand why I've had so many issues throughout the years, too many to name.


Oh, lastly when I started a new job the African American girl I was going to work together with seemed excited to meet me but she just kept staring at me and didn't say a word. When she saw me in person she seemed disappointed and I figured out why. She thought that because of my name I too must be African American. LOL 😆 She apologized profusely and I knew she was embarrassed so I told her not to worry. We ended up talking and became good friends.


Sorry this post was so long. I just felt like sharing. 🙂 Have a great day everyone! 😀

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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name

@SouthernBee  Happy Birthday!!! 🎂🎈🎁 

I celebrated my 70th in's an odd feeling!

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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name

@PhilaLady1   I think I've only known one other with your name.  I wouldn't think you were old just because of that.  There was a C  mouseketeer after all.  LOL.


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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name

@Queen of shop 


Thanks for sharing your story ❤️

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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name



That's a fun story about your name.  There is a locally famous Monica where I am, that was on TV news for about 30 years.  That is who comes to mind when I think of your name.  Smart and beautiful.  Thanks for sharing ❤️

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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name

[ Edited ]

The posters that shared their names were names of other girls when I was growing up.  I think they are all very pretty. 


As a kid growing up my name was not so common.  However in the last several years I have met several women with my name.  I hated my name as a kid but now  I like it.


Thank the Lord my mom did not name me after her.  Her name as Clarabelle, with no middle name.  My grandpa went to school with a girl with that name and he had a crush on her.  So they named mom after her.


My name is Beverly Ann.  I was born in 1945.


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Re: They Know I'm Old When I Say My Name

Same. Janet or my shorten name Jan doesn't matter. It is what it is. The Britneys, Laurens , Graces and Maddison will all go through it too.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.