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Re: The shed has begun

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@MamaWick wrote:

@Drythe  Cricket is an old lady and no longer has teeth. I found 2 sheds last year and use them for decorating. 



My dogs don’t chew them, they just toss them around, chase them hysterically, and play ‘keep away’ with them.


I cook our dog food, and don’t let them have anything that’s not homemade.  They think I’m a drag!

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Antler size is more of a function of diet and genetics than it is of age. It's difficult to tell how old a deer is unless you look at its teeth.

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@patbz wrote:

I live in White Mountains of AZ. There are several stores in town that buy Elk and Deer antlers and then resell them as dog chews or make them into designer pieces, such as chandeliers.  Elk outnumber deer 10-1 and at dawn and dusk, if you are on a back road you may see a herd.  I've seen them right after they've been hit by a car; they are as large as a horse.  Several years ago, my handy man was on his way to go Elk hunting when he hit one. Highway patrol gave him a chit so he could legally get it butchered and as he had already purchased a permit, he got another; bet his freezer was really full!

@patbz  The first time I saw an elk I was shocked at how big they are. Moose are even bigger. I have seen those as well.

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@colliemom4.  Right after I moved here, I met a group of Texas friends at a cabin in Ruidoso, NM at the Southern end of the Rockies, where we spent a long weekend.


We went out to eat on night and came back via a gravel road in a narrow canyon.  We were going very slow in t h e dark when suddenly a huge bull elk sauntered across the road right in front of us.  He wasn't 4 ft away.   Biggest animal I ever saw outside a zoo with a huge rack of antlers.  Yes, they are very big and impressive.  Thankfully, he was in a good mood.

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@KatieB wrote:

@Sugipine wrote:

If you sew and know how to use a saw then antlers make excellent buttons. 


images (1).jpg


@Sugipine   They would make pretty buttons on a jacket or lightweight coat..  

@KatieB.  They are especially attractive on a suede jacket or coat.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@MamaWick   Thank you for posting and enriching our lives with your beautiful pictures.  

I'll bet the bucks are relieved to shed their racks. Their heads must feel a bit lighter.  They probably can run faster too without the wind drag. 

Woofs and belly rubs to Cricket.  What are her favorite treats?

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I have an old pea coat with th eantlier buttons.  They may be plastic, but they look good.  I like the way they button.,  the pointed end goes into the loop so easy   And it  is secure     I live in California and I never use a coat, but i used to use it when we went up North to a lake.   It was cold there.

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Great shots @MamaWick  I have trekked all around my place and have never found them. 

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Learned something new....

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Re: The shed has begun

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@MamaWick   I knew that the antlers shed, but did not realize the entire antlers came off.


The Mom to be looks so cute all plumped, even her face. Smiley Happy