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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

a SLUG eeeeeeeeeeeeek!


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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

I stepped on an old weakened deck board, my foot went through the broken wood and it sliced my foot and leg wide open.  Had to get stitches and I have terrible scars to prove it.

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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

@x Hedge wrote:

@Meowingkitty wrote:

Cat barf. They always seem to know just where to barf so it will have the greatest effect.

      amen to that!

I see them retching over bare floor but they scamper to the white part of the rug to make the deposit.


@x Hedge 


Isn't that the truth?!😂

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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

Nothing really for me.  DH is a different story


As a kid he stepped on a sewing needle. It was fully embedded in his heal.  He jumped off a pier and landed on a broken pop bottle.


As an adult, in our bedroom one or more of our labs pooped. He stepped in multiple piles -- I'm sorry it still makes me laugh. I went from a dead sleep to LMAO.  bad wife

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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

A bee that I didn't see on concrete as I was stepping out of my patio door, with a platter full of hamburgers.

Found out I wasn't allergic to bee stings though!

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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

The proverbial rusty nail.  That happened to me one summer when i was 12,  I was barefoot because I was at a pool in my back yard (in L.A.)  Somehow I got it in my heel.  Went to the hospital.  I got a needle and I remembered it hurt.  I came home and my father tried to cheer me up by take my picture.  I was wearing slippers.  It was the day after it all happened. Since then, I've not gone outdoors without shoes. 

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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

I unexpectedly "shred" my feet on coral, while enjoying a stroll in fairly shallow water. The cuts were EXTREMELY painful!😐 It was made worse by walking on hot sand to seek assistance. There were many boats in the water sailing in formation, and I could not help staring at them while walking, but was not being mindful of my surroundings. I do not know which was worse; the cuts, or having them rinsed with alcohol and an antimicrobial solution. A painful lesson was learned that day, and it has NOT happened again.😁



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A slug!  Outdoors of course.

A slug!  Outdoors of course.

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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

When I was 5 years old I stepped on a broken beer bottle in the beach we were at and we spent 5 hours in the emergency room at the roger Williams hospital .where I got my foot stitched up.

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Re: The Worst Thing You Stepped On In Bare Feet Is…

[ Edited ]

A bee in the grass and it stung me of course!

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