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Some may say it was over the top but why not?  I was so impressed to see the countless numbers of people for so many days showing their support for the Queen.  What impressed me the most was the behavior of all those people.  If only the whole world would behave accordingly, we would have a much nicer planet!  Maybe we could all take a lesson from this display of love and caring!!

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  • I watched a lot of TV coverage and read a lot of articles but I never heard anyone say it was over the top.  
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Over the top?  I didn't think it was over the top.  She was the longest reigning monarch in history.  I think it was beautifully done.  

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No it was not over the top in the least very royal.  Some remarked while Diana's funeral was fine it is better not to have a singer at the service.  Elton did do an excellent job but that would have been over the top for the Queen.  Taking her crown and scepter from the coffin just about broke me.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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No it was historical and I learned a lot and it was elegant and tasteful, the way she lived her life. The throngs of people and attendance by so many world leaders underscores how much the Queen was respected and loved. There were exceptionally sad moments like her beloved Corgis at the door and her horse standing in the grass as her hearse passed by, the breaking of the wand, removing her crown, orb & scepter from the coffin, the lone bagpiper walking the corridor & the lowering of her coffin brought tears to my eyes. God Save The King/Queen always made me emotional but sadder yesterday.

The Queen was a constant & represented stability to her people, imo but I think in a world that constantly changes & life is so face paced and at times very challenging, the Queen was always there with a calming message not only to her people but to the world. I will miss her wise & comforting words.
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It doesn't matter to me if the Queen's funeral was over the top.   She lived an over-the-top life in so many ways and her people obviously wanted to honor that.


Maybe there be be another similar -  when a royal somewhere also serves for 3/4 of a century.  And should that occur, the majority of those participating or even viewing will never have known anything like it before!


I know as I watched one segment, I was reminded of the JFK funeral procession in a few ways.  Yes, it was minimal in comparison but in my mind rightfully so but still memorable.  




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A few may equate respectful and appropriate with "over the top?"

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It was beautiful and heartfelt.  It was appropriate for her station in life.  She will truly be missed by the world.

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"Accordingly" has become a term relative to the political ideology to which one subscribes. 

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Those responsible for security deserve to be honored. I can only imagine the stress they've been enduring, the sleep they're lost. Today, they should feel proud and quite relieved. Well Done