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Re: The Pet Chat Corner Sept. 29 - Oct. 5, 2014

Stopping in to wish everyone a wonderful Friday. Still reading but not posting much. Hope everyone is healthy, happy, and doing well. All is good here, just crazy busy.

Q and my Zoo

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Re: The Pet Chat Corner Sept. 29 - Oct. 5, 2014

Aw Sheltie, you're a sweetie!! I feel the same about this group of kind people. I hope all of you here read that..

It hasn't been a real good few days around my house. Saturday when I got home from work Daisy was downstairs by herself and I heard squeal and cry and she came kind of crawling up the stairs. She must have somehow twisted herself jumping around. Next day she wouldn't eat and was very down (Daisy is a very UP girl). Long story long, I had some pain meds left from when something similar happened to her last Spring. Today is the first day I didn't give her a pill and she seems fine. The past few days if she didn't get the pill she wouldn't eat and just lay in her bed. I didn't want to rush her to the vet again with all the tests and hundreds of $. I hope I'm not a bad Mom for doing things this way but she's fine now without all the tests. My birthday was Tuesday and all I did was worry about her. If she's not right I'm not right can't help it. Meanwhile Angie pulled all the stuffing out of her bed last night. I don't know why. She's had this bed for awhile and loves to sleep in it at night. Dogs:the love and bane of my life.

Hope you all have a better week! I'm just so happy my little Daze is feeling good again.

Trees are the lungs of the Earth
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Re: The Pet Chat Corner Sept. 29 - Oct. 5, 2014

Friday Morning Greetings

Wishing that all of you dear friends have a wonderful day today and that it marks the beginning of a pleasant,peaceful and relaxing week-end.

Sending out more special prayers and comfort hugs to Matty and her family on the sudden and tragic loss of the abused puppy,Dakota,that they had recently rescued.{#emotions_dlg.sad}


All of my children have paws =^..^= {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Registered: ‎05-14-2011

Re: The Pet Chat Corner Sept. 29 - Oct. 5, 2014

Just stopping by to wish all of my dear friends a blessed weekend! Prayers for Matty and anyone else who may need it!

Hugs, prayers and love,{#emotions_dlg.wub}


I'm not short...I'm fun size!