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For about two years now, I've been getting so many magazines that I never ordered, they just keep coming, all kinds, even thick ones like Bazaar etc. never a bill for them, just keep right on coming.  I don't read them, but give them to my daughter.  Anyway, here we just moved to an apartment, two weeks ago, and the magazines are being forwarded here.  If that isn't the strangest thing.



Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Sounds like the basis for a sci-fi story.

Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎04-19-2010

Did you have airline miles that you didn't use and the airline automatically redeemed them via magazines?

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Re: The Magazines

[ Edited ]

When you put in a change of address with the post office, this will be applied to magazines, for 6 months.  This is done at the post office, not at the origin of the magazine.  If you want of know about your magazines and how they are paid for etc.  You can call customer service of each magazine.  I assume you are on automatic renewal which is common, and your credit card is being billed.  To get to customer service you can find it in each magazine or go to the name to the  You will have to log in with your name, address. etc., but from there you would click on customer service on the next page and find the 800 number to call them.  You can then cancel your subscription.  A lot of magazines are handled by the same company like Hearst.  Hope this helps.

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I think the new marketing ploy for magazines is to send them unrequested to people for a few months to try to get them to subscribe.  I get magazines all the time that I know I am not paying for.

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Whether it's a magazine, a catalog or solicitation in which I am not interested, I call the source and give them whatever info is on the address label.  This usually takes care of the problem in a few weeks.


I did this to mail that came in to my Dad after he passed.  It does work. My preference is to deal with people but if there' son other way, electronic it is !

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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I've decided that after the end of the world, the only things to survive will be cockroaches and Pottery Barn catalogs.

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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

The same thing has happened to me. I got three different magazines and yes they are big and heavy and I don't want them either!! I am 61 what do I want with Marie Claire magazine? A total waste of paper and shipping on their part to send these magazines to my house. My daugthers aren't even interested in taking them.


With everything going digital I am keeping the magazines that I DO like and pay for!! I am afraid down the road paper subscriptions will be a thing of the past.

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HSN is very sneaky about including magazine subscriptions with your orders.  You do pay for them because if you call and cancel you get a refund.  I really resent this practice, especially since the mags aren't any I'd select.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Me too!  I thought it was just me.  It started 4 or 5 years ago.  I get magazines that I didn't order, I would never order them because they don't interest me one bit.  I don't receive any bills but when the subscription is running out I do get a renewal card.  Of course I don't renew, the magazine's stop coming.  But a couple of months later another magazine arrives!  And it begins all over again.  So, now I get two baby/parenting magazines and a cooking magazine.  I give them away.