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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

@Noel7 wrote:

@Snowpuppy wrote:

Not so in our family.


Come to my house, men will greet you, take your coats and offer you a drink. Yes, women in the kitchen....where we klatch. Happily.


After dinner the guys proudly help clear the table and stack the dishwasher.


In my BIL & SIL's home, much the same. Men still pitch in. 



@Snowpuppy  Do the men do any of the cooking?  I don't know if that's common nowadays.  It's nice they clear and clean Smiley Happy

Altho the guys can cook they usually step aside for holiday meals, baking and such. My BIL is one guy you want manning the grill !



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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

In my households (childhood and then adult) it has been a mixture. We’ve had men in the family who refuse to lift a finger to do “woman’s work”, but actually, more men who enjoy cooking, especially when it involves meat ;-)  


My stepfather and my niece’s DH both always helped/do help with dishes and cleanup, every day, not just at holiday dinners.


As to the football and “menfolk talk”, football has never been a biggie for any of the men in our family.

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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

[ Edited ]

I never cared for Thanksgiving. Too much over eating, and stupid football (which my husband rarely watches, thank God). Also one should get together all the time with family and be thankful every day!


Anyway, my husband and I go out to eat for Thanksgiving and to a movie. (my adult kids from my first marriage and grand kids go to my 1st husbands family). Christmas Eve we do up some Italian pasta (easy) and my kids and grand kids come over We go to the in- laws Christmas Day.


Its this simple, I don't do real big dinners anymore since all my back issues. Heck I have enough trouble baking  Christmas My one granddaughter comes to help. 


And last but not least, finally to answer your question; Women shouldn't have to have all the work put on them. Growing up my dad helped my mom. (And my husband helps me every day with house hold things AND cooking!) But Im glad we go out Thanksgiving. then I dont over eat! loll..

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

My sister and I always clean up. We have gotten a little wiser in age. We buy the Masterpiece Premium plates at Sam's Club that you can throw away. Everything else goes in the dishwasher except for the roasting pans.

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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

hmmmm, my husband must be the exception....he always helps what ever the request is.

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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

Hint for beleagured cooks of all ages:  Don't enjoy the amount of work dumped on you every year?  Hints for help falling on deaf ears?  Announce you are going out for Thanksgiving dinner.  And do it.  We try to find different places each year, but can always fall back on our local casino for a white table cloth, chef designed excellent dinner.. 

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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

“Helping” is one thing, especially if they have to be asked. I was wondering if any males in the younger generation take responsibility for cooking or making various dishes... on their own.  


I know so many men who cook nowadays, especially for the holidays.

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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

@Noel7 wrote:

“Helping” is one thing, especially if they have to be asked. I was wondering if any males in the younger generation take responsibility for cooking or making various dishes... on their own.  


I know so many men who cook nowadays, especially for the holidays.



pretty much none of the men in our family (older or younger) are good cooks, so i prefer NOT to have a bad or even so so dish on our table. LOL

some of them DO make a mean cocktail though!

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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

I’ve always heard that Italian women teach their sons to cook.  My good friend of many years, my daughter’s godfather, did most of the cooking for his family.  His mother taught him to cook when he was a child.  He used to make the six or seven course Christmas Eve dinner for us all. 

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Re: Thanksgiving Question For Our Younger Generation Posters

In my immdediate family, my husband does most of the cooking because he is better at it than I am, but we both go to the grocery store.My hubby cooks, I do the clean-up. Now for Thanksgiving and Christmas, since neither is at my house(too small) my brother and sister in law host Thanksgiving, and it usually is the women that clean up-however my brother, and my husband cook a lot for the meal, so it's all good! We have fun cleaning up laughing and talking.....Same thing pretty much for Christmas....At church however for Christmas Breakfast, the men make and serve the breakfast and clean up after........