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🇺🇸Tell Us About Your City or State! America The Beautiful!!!

[ Edited ]


Reading other threads about

the great states of the U.S.A.

I was thinking there's so much to see

and appreciate in every state.


With the July 4th birthday of America

almost here

exercise your bragging rights!


Please tell us what you like ❤️💙

about your home state or city where you

live or maybe your birthplace state

or city and why it's 

a great place to live or visit! 😀



And early Happy July 4th to Everybody!!




America the Beautiful!




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Re: 🇺🇸America the Beautuful! Your Bragging Rights!

Happy July 4th early..

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Re: 🇺🇸America the Beautuful! Your Bragging Rights!

I love Nashville, Tennessee and I think everyone should visit this great city! It's Music City, USA, after all! The people here are friendly and warm. It's a very easy city to live in and visit. It's also a boom town, so be'll probably want to move thousands of other people are doing. We have a great Mayor, too. I think it's the best city in the U.S. So grateful to be an American and a Nashvillian!

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Re: 🇺🇸Tell Us About Your City or State! America The Beautiful!!!

[ Edited ]

I've lived in the Dallas area for the last 60 years - I'm 65 now.  So, of course I've seen incredible growth and changes, the most significant of these being its emergence as an area with a strong, sustained economy.  Many Fortune 500 companies headquartered here provide great jobs, and it's a great environment that attracts companies to relocate here.  Cost of living is very reasonable, too.  Of course, economic downturns affect us here, too, but not nearly to the extremes as other areas of the country.


Great universities, medical schools and facilities.


A few months ago, I took a week-long road trip to Austin, San Antonio and Fredericksburg.  I'd not been to these places in over 50 years, and I was overwhelmed with the very rich history and culture.  The tours of the Capitol and LBJ Library in Austin, BBQ joints in Lockhart, the missions and residential historic district in San Antonio, and the LBJ ranch and Hill Country near Fredericksburg were outstanding - a very memorable trip!


Please come visit us here in Texas!

“There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.” —Jackie French Koller
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Re: 🇺🇸Tell Us About Your City or State! America The Beautiful!!!

Please do research on the weather before a trip to Arizona.    I was in the hospitality industry for years..............and the greatest complaints I received were concerning the weather:     "Didn't know is was THIS hot"......and "Didn't know it gets down to freezing in winter".

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Re: 🇺🇸Tell Us About Your City or State! America The Beautiful!!!


Typical October sky in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: 🇺🇸Tell Us About Your City or State! America The Beautiful!!!

Just Bee - I've been to your Balloon Fiesta one time and it was spectacular!


We have a similar thing here every September, but on definitely a smaller scale.  BTW, that bee balloon is always here and I've gotten some pretty cute pics of him!

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Re: 🇺🇸Tell Us About Your City or State! America The Beautiful!!!

@chickenbutt wrote:

Just Bee - I've been to your Balloon Fiesta one time and it was spectacular!


We have a similar thing here every September, but on definitely a smaller scale.  BTW, that bee balloon is always here and I've gotten some pretty cute pics of him!

We have a whole bee family!








And they always kiss before they fly away...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: 🇺🇸Tell Us About Your City or State! America The Beautiful!!!

Oh yeah!  I forgot that there were more than one.   Most of the pics I've taken were just kind of helter skelter.  I remember the blue and red ones, but not sure if the purple one has been here.


The character balloons are all so cute!   I also love the regular 'balloon-looking' ones too, with all the colors.  Smiley Happy    


It's so fun to watch.  Many times, over the decades, they have flown over my house or near my house.  A couple of times I went up on a road north of me just to take pics.  Fun!  


Back in the day, I have gone up there for the - oh, I forgot what they called it, but it was barely morning and they would light them all up.   There wouldn't be more than 100 balloons here, though.  So, when I went to Albuquerque and saw the event there I was blown away!

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Re: 🇺🇸Tell Us About Your City or State! America The Beautiful!!!


Our city is now hosting the Olympic Swimming Trials, and has hosted the Baseball College World Series for as far back as I can remember. In fact, they may actually have overlapped. I am not a baseball fan, but I know they were here 2 weeks ago or so.





