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Re: Taylor Swift is really leaving a carbon footprint!

@Mersha wrote:

Taylor always seems to be able to ruffle someone's feathers about something or another.

And they seem to enjoy it so much!

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Re: Taylor Swift is really leaving a carbon footprint!

@Carmie wrote:

Lots of famous celebrities and politicians fly by private jet.  They can afford it or have the  tax payers pay for it, so it means nothing to them.  They're entitled.


They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.




WHAT celebrities fly by private jet and have the taxpayers pay for it?


Please name names.  



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Posts: 43,424
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Taylor Swift is really leaving a carbon footprint!


I haven't read every post, but people are obviously unaware of how entertainers have to travel, and how many people are involved. 


The logistics are unbelievable and they need to make certain times and dates, and I doubt any airline is going to change their flight schedules to accomodate forty people with an enormous amount of equipment.


There may be a few people on stage but they aren't a "one man band".  


Top entertainers may travel with 35+ people, give or take.  Many travel on the same plane, but whole groups may also travel on large tour busses.  (Have you seen a Greyhound bus' exhaust fumes lately?)


Not only does Taylor Swift (or Bruce Springsteen or the Rolling Stones, or ...)  do a great deal of travel, but they GREATLY benefit the locations they visit ... hotels, restaurants, etc.


Also .... these people donate a LOT of money to charities, so the exhaust-justification has been made. 


JMO, of course.

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Re: Taylor Swift is really leaving a carbon footprint!

[ Edited ]

I assume all of those outraged by TS’s carbon footprint are aware of their own, work daily to reduce it, and support environmental policies and initiatives. Great to hear! 🙄 we know what this is about.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson