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It was another good TC and blindside. (on me) I was sure the ladies were going to unite and take out that repulsive guy.

There is a video of the latest cast-off arriving at Ponderosa. She has no idea one of her original tribe mates has voted against their alliance the last 2 TCs.

I fear the guy who found the immunity idol last night is going to win.

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Fear not, Michael will blow it, I'm sure of it. The look on Hali's face was priceless.

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On 4/9/2015 SydneyH said:

Fear not, Michael will blow it, I'm sure of it. The look on Hali's face was priceless.

I hope you are right.

On her video, Hali said she thought she was going to be on the white collar tribe and it took her awhile to adjust (and accept the fact) to the no collars.

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On 4/9/2015 SydneyH said:

Fear not, Michael will blow it, I'm sure of it. The look on Hali's face was priceless.

I sure hope you are right too!!!!!!

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
- Author Unknown
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Did I miss why Will switched to the blue collar alliance? The no collars carried him when other tribe members wanted him gone weeks 2&3.

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I am rooting for Joe to win, and Rodney to be gone!

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On 4/10/2015 share said:

I am rooting for Joe to win, and Rodney to be gone!

I'd like to see Joe win too but unless he wins immunity in every challenge, he's toast.

I cannot stand Rodney.

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I'd love Joe to win.

Sierra was pretty sneaky. I liked her before last night. LOL

I cannot wait for Rodney to go. I fear they'll keep him around because nobody will vote for him final 2 or something.

Actually, Dan, Rodney, and Michael disgust me.

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I'm somewhat miffed. Last week they tried to vote Jen off but she saved herself with the idol so why didn't they vote her off this week? I also don't get why the white collars are voting with the blues.