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Surprise 4+ Easy Payments for 6 hrs not Showing Up on Everything

I just noticed that there is a surprise Easy Pay Day for 6 hours tonight till midnight. I'm not in the market for anything but checked out a couple items from my order status I bought recently and a couple are not showing up with any easy pay. 


Just curious, in this situation would CS apply the easy pay to your order? It's supposed to be on everything. 

~Live with Intention~
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Re: Surprise 4+ Easy Payments for 6 hrs not Showing Up on Everything

 You have to buy the items between 6pm -12am EST for easy pay to apply.

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Re: Surprise 4+ Easy Payments for 6 hrs not Showing Up on Everything

@GCR18 wrote:

 You have to buy the items between 6pm -12am EST for easy pay to apply.

@GCR18 Hi, exactly. I'm on the East coast and it's almost 11 pm here and 8pm on the West coast. I believe at this point it should be in effect for everything since there is only an hour left for those in EST.

~Live with Intention~
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Registered: ‎07-03-2010

Re: Surprise 4+ Easy Payments for 6 hrs not Showing Up on Everything

If you are going to the item through your Order Status you will seeing how you purchased it, if you search for it though the menus you will see it with the easy pay.  I've had this happen before.  I tried to add things to my cart one time and the same thing happened.

This sota girl says pop, duck, duck, gray duck and loves tater tot hotdish
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Re: Surprise 4+ Easy Payments for 6 hrs not Showing Up on Everything

@NycVixen wrote:

I just noticed that there is a surprise Easy Pay Day for 6 hours tonight till midnight. I'm not in the market for anything but checked out a couple items from my order status I bought recently and a couple are not showing up with any easy pay. 


Just curious, in this situation would CS apply the easy pay to your order? It's supposed to be on everything. 

Mine are all showing up with easy pay at the very end of the ordering process.