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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

After the lasI round of empty shelves, if  I see it on the shelf, and know it will be used in a timely manner, I get it.  I no longer trust it to be there on my next visit.  Lesson learned.

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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

Store warehouses have been completely depleted over the last year or so.  That was always the buffer to price increases.  Restocking these warehouses has become more difficult due to these other factors.  Manufacturing facilities are having those same issues getting the parts they need.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

It's a blip on the radar as far as my local grocer is concerned.  And a less than 1% increase in prices, though undesirable, is not panic-worthy.


I see a wide array of great food.  Some prices are up, some went up last year, and some are unchanged.


The CEO of General Mills (quoted in the article) oversees an empire of prepared foods, and I don't believe that is indicative of grocery market sectors in the entirety.

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

.7% is 70 cents on $100.00

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

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@Desertdi wrote:

.7% is 70 cents on $100.00


That may not be much for some people but it is for others. 


7% of 100.00 is 7.00.

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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

I have found that not all supermarkets within the same chain are created equal at all and hate to say it but based on location, will either have empty shelves or full shelves.  I live in a diverse area that's truly wonderful and relatively crime free yet shelves are mostly  bare.  The same supermarket 3 miles up the road in a tonier and less diverse neighborhood has the items we need and even more infuriating markdowns that ours doesn't have!  Makes us mad! 

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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

Everything suddenly is just so expensive. Hold tight to that $$$. (says the girl who's "had a little online buying party" since Jan...but is trying to be good, having just paid my property taxes...sigh.)


But food is a necessity! ugh. With so many people still reeling from job loss etc.


I had started some needed home renovations before Covid...painting got done and a few other things. Flooring was going to be next. flooring is up like 300%! I'm waiting it out. That sad, tired burber carpeting is gonna have to be ok for now. But I had to buy sliders as the other 30 y.o. ones were not functioning well, (tracking gone)...waiting for that bill. Still haven't been able to schedule a contracter or get a quote from one. After that...going to wait things out...but in our area...building and home buying is at an all time high, so I don't see these guys having to reduce their pricing anytime soon. Supply/Demand


But I digressed.....

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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

I work part-time in a supermarket.  The company owns over 260 stores.  I know with certainty that we do not stock pile products.  Biggest reason is storage - the business plan for our chain is all products received must be on the shelves within 2 days, so it is product in/product out in that time period.  It works.


I truly don't understand how any store could have sufficient storage to stock pile food items.

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Re: Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise

What I found the last time around with the hoarding of foods/supples and shortages, is that it was TP, etc. yes, but shelves cleared of pre-papared foods, canned goods and frozen items...pizzas and hot pockets, frozen fried chicken nuggets and french fries/tator tots, etc.


We've never eaten those unhealthy items which were also always more expensive. I can make chicken nugets for a tenth the cost of the frozen ones. Yes, takes a bit more time, but we don't eat that way...fresh fruits, veggies and minimal meat and chicken.that way.


We have always eaten very little pre-prepared foods and learned how to do even less the last time around. Healthier eating (less salt, sugar and chemicals, perservatives) can save you money.