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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

Shiloh looks like Brad to me...very androgynous looking young person.

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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt



I explained upthread that I captured only the photo on a sneak, and very quick, peek at Daily Mail, which does not allow me time to read because I do not allow ads.  That is how they explain it to me.


Since I have this prohibition, I just quickly scan the first few photos of the online rag and then, if something captures my interest, go out and go back in.  In this case, I copied the photo in my original post when I returned to the story.  


So, I do not know what was said in the article that this photo accompanied.


Regarding with which pronouns Shiloh identifies, I've read what others have read, but I have no idea.  Shiloh will figure it out, I am sure.  

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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

@Bri369 wrote:

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:
Such lovely comments about a child👎Very revealing



I agree.



Isn't that something? A 15year old.




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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

[ Edited ]

Shiloh.. I don't know, but she got to me and I just love her smile. She looked so scared because I think she knew that all eyes were on her and I loved the way she and her sister locked fingers as if to say "it's you and me against the world, don't be scared".


15 is an awkward age but she will be ok.  I can see her succeeding  at anything she puts her mind to.


For those who think she isn't stunning, hope no one ever tells you that your kids or grandkids aren't, and you think they are.  Well, I said it.


I'm not hiding, I'm right here.


Now I agree with the Thread about TOAST. It's either 1, 2 or 3.

@SeaMaiden you were right.


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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

I am confused...I thought Shiloh was born a she but now was going to be a he. She looks very pretty in the photo. What is that thing hanging out of Angelina's mouth? Great photo of all of the children. They are all growing up before our eyes. 

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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

@Duckncover wrote:

I am confused...I thought Shiloh was born a she but now was going to be a he. She looks very pretty in the photo. What is that thing hanging out of Angelina's mouth? Great photo of all of the children. They are all growing up before our eyes. 

@Duckncover  I think it's called a Chin something. I hope it doesn't last.


I believe that Shiloh was trying to follow her two older brothers and I'm glad that her parents didn't follow what ever his name is and his wife (Basketball player) and let her go all the way with it.


I'm trying to remember what I did as a kid. Oh I was a shopkeeper and the kids would come and buy from me. I grew out of it.

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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

@ECBG wrote:

Young?  Yes. 


Pretty? yes.


Stunning? Sadly no.

What is sad is your comment.


It's so weird and petty to dissect a child's beauty.

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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

@JJsMom wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

Young?  Yes. 


Pretty? yes.


Stunning? Sadly no.

What is sad is your comment.


It's so weird and petty to dissect a child's beauty.

Just water cooler chatting...nothing weird and commenting on a celebrity picture is normal. It was made public and the celeb crowd lives and dies for publicity.

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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

@JJsMom wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

Young?  Yes. 


Pretty? yes.


Stunning? Sadly no.

What is sad is your comment.


It's so weird and petty to dissect a child's beauty.

I would not call @ECBG  comment of the photo a dissection of a child's beauty.  There are not a great many teenage girls who are truly stunning during that time frame.  They still have some of the awkward look to them while seeing the beauty in them as well.  Teenage girls have not come into their own so to speak and when she gets to her mid twenties or so she may be stunning but now she is not.  

Rumor, Scout, and Tallulah were never stunning then or now.

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Re: Stunningly Beautiful Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

@beckyb1012 wrote:

@JJsMom wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

Young?  Yes. 


Pretty? yes.


Stunning? Sadly no.

What is sad is your comment.


It's so weird and petty to dissect a child's beauty.

I would not call @ECBG  comment of the photo a dissection of a child's beauty.  There are not a great many teenage girls who are truly stunning during that time frame.  They still have some of the awkward look to them while seeing the beauty in them as well.  Teenage girls have not come into their own so to speak and when she gets to her mid twenties or so she may be stunning but now she is not.  

Rumor, Scout, and Tallulah were never stunning then or now.

I really thought we had come further than this . Beauty has always been in the eye of the beholder, anyway. The word "stunning" can be interpreted many different ways. I guess you could say that I am "stunned" that a child of 15 is being critiqued by a group of women that are probably years older than her ...