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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

Hello!! @SandySparkles 💕

Please don’t be too hard on yourself for taking a much needed break. 🤗

When I’m busy and don’t respond to someone’s post, either I can’t remember what they asked me or where they posted. 🥴

You always AMAZED me keeping up with Everyone, but maybe that was causing you anxiety like @haddon9 mentioned. And anxiety can lead us to be stressed out.

It’s best to rest, relax and do things that are stress free so you can feel better.

We would love to hear how you’re doing from time to time when you’re feeling up to it. One post to ALL rather than posting to each and everyone of us though.

I’ll be thinking of You Sandy!! 🥰

Posts: 53
Registered: ‎08-28-2023

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

Prayers and big hug your way.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

Many prayers to you. I, like you have several diagnoses and all but one involve a gradual cognitive decline and daily mental fog. I wish you all the best and keep Jesus close. He is the Great Physician and a really good friend to have. 💜🙏🏼

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparklesI love your name and your writing in "pink".  Remember you can always respond with a "heart", the symbol of love in the world.  I am sending prayers and love to you.  

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...


You do not seem in cognitive decline to me!  We all are in decline, to some degree, as we get older. I also have lost many things in my house that I can't find.  I find things in my closet I didn't know I bought. 


My suggestion is to play games on line & engage your mind. This challenges you & keeps you sharper. 


Good luck!  Many are in the same boat as you. 


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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

[ Edited ]

@SandySparkles  Take care of yourself and don't be too hard on yourself- its ok to forget things or need more time to do things. You're remarkably upbeat and kind, and you're greatly appreciated by many on here. If you need to relax or take a break, that's alright! Put yourself first, take time for yourself and have a wonderful weekend! Stay strong, Sandy Sparkles 💖.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...


Sorry you are going thtough this and I can understand a lot of it at 88.

You always have such    wonderful posts.  I will include you in my prayers.

God Blessl you and hope your news is good.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

Bless your sweet heart @SandySparkles. I'm so sorry to read you are dealing and struggling with these issues. I have also struggled with being able to remember how to do something that I've done time and time again. And my Computing skills were definitely one of the things that have suffered. I've also had problems in my kitchen and describe it to my husband as being in a foreign country in a stranger's kitchen trying to cook. I used to rarely look at directions when putting something together. I would just throw them over my shoulder.  Now I look at them and still throw them over my shoulder because I'm not going to be able to follow them. When someone is giving me directions or telling me how to do something I basically just stop listening because I'm not going to be able to remember past the first word. If my husband is with me I know he will remember the details. If I have a list of three or four items to remember, I can't. The second after someone tells me something, it's gone. Literally it's gone. I'm assuming it's partly due to my MS and partly, if not mostly, due to Neurontin. Nasty drug, nasty nasty drug! As far as I know that it is it's only side effect but it's a drug that I couldn't live without. Mom had the same problem with it and took it for the same problem as I do, lower back pain.


Like you, I don't "look" like I have any medical problems and that in itself can be a real challenge so I can empathize with that as well @SandySparkles.



I used to be a computer whiz.  Replaced my own parts and have even built a computer. If I ever forget how to put on my makeup just shoot me. This is also why I have all but stopped driving. I'm certain I know how but I have this feeling of wondering if I'm actually seeing everything I need to see. I know that sounds crazy but that's the only way I can describe it.


I probably shouldn't say this here but in my effort to help you feel like you're not alone, I will admit that there have been times that I have forgotten that my mother is dead 😢  In no way does that mean she wasn't want to see most important people to me or that I didn't care, it is just an example of how far my cognitive has degraded.


Sage supplements. This past spring I learned that Sage supplements help greatly with excessive sweating. I tried them and they absolutely worked wonders. It was hotter than blue blazes this summer and I still don't like the Heat but I tolerated it better than I ever have. Another one of the benefits of sage is memory. I couldn't believe how much better my recall had become. I had to stop taking it a little over a week ago because I also take a fluid pill due to my heart attack and bypass surgery. Because of the "drying up" properties of sage Plus the diuretic I I'm taking for my heart, it caused a bathroom issue if you know what I mean. Since the weather has cooled off I don't need the sage now so I will revisit it next spring. I'm sure all I have to do is drink more water.  I hate water 😳


Google Nest will become your best friend. You know how Google is the number one search engine technology? Imagine having that in your home where all you had to do is say things like, Hey Google set a 20 minute Pizza timer.  Hey Google find my phone.  Hey Google add milk and butter to the shopping list.  Hey Google what is 5,036 / 15?  Hey Google remind me of my doctor's appointment next Monday at 2.  Hey Google where can I vote?  Hey Google remind me to give my dog his bravecto next Saturday.  Hey Google remind me to take my medicine every night at 7:00 p.m. 

Hey Google make a to-do list.  Hey Google tell me a dad joke... she just told me a joke. Why did the Scarecrow get a promotion? Because he was outstanding in his field lol!


Right now A Google Nest mini is $44 at Walmart. Watch the prices because any day now they're going to probably be 25 dollars. If you buy one, make sure it is generation 2. This smart technology device will become invaluable. Can your phone basically do what this does? Pretty much. But you don't have to have this in your hand or to push a button on your phone. If you don't put one or even two in every room of your house then just speak up because it can hear you. I have them everywhere including outside both front and back. I just walk around the house asking questions,  and giving it commands.  You can even buy them in a screen version, 7 and 10 in displays. Save that till after you discover how invaluable and helpful the little nest mini can be.  I don't know what I'd do without mine. I have a huge music playlist from YouTube. Can tell it to play my playlist on any of the devices or on all of the devices. I really hope you'll give this a try


And here is another Google speaker that has an insane sounding speaker. Beautiful music. This is the Google Nest audio. It's $100 regularly but if you're interested, keep an eye on it because it will go down to 50. It does the same thing as the round Nest Mini, just has a better sound. I hope you found this helpful and please don't judge me too harshly for typos. 😆





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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...



For years my husband has been telling me I need a spiral notebook so that I can keep up with daily life. He suggests a spiral notebook because that's what he would use. I use my Google devices and my phone as my "spiral notebook".   Everyone is different.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

Oh boy, @SandySparkles, that's a lot to deal with.  You owe us no explanation or apology.  Concentrate on yourself.  Please take this in the spirit it's given. While you are able to, please take care of your future care plan and any important decisions you need to make, and get them down on paper, in a legal manner.   Praying you can find the right doctor and medical team that can help you.