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Re: Stress for us older people

[ Edited ]

@Stormygirl    Thanks for getting back with me.  I sure hope relief is on the way for you. I live in Indiana.  Try to wear loose warm clothing and keeping hot liquids going if you can. Pain, for me, is much worse when I am cold.  I can only imagine what is is for you. I wish we lived closer but my prayers cover the miles.  God be with you.

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Re: Stress for us older people

@eadu4  Our grocery store workers are eligible right now in the police,firefighter, teacher group. It seems each county has their own rules.

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Re: Stress for us older people

@Stormygirl  My hand reaches out to you and holds yours.  Know that we may not "know" you but we all have our hearts and prayers reaching out to you.  Keep coming back here for as long as you can while you have power please.  Even if it's just a "Hey, Hey, ho ho, I'm still here just wanted you to know!" Smiley Happy  WE care, and we will worry.  I'm in Virgina and haven't been effected by these storms.  We are supposed to get hit tonight but since all the other previous storms have been nothing burgers I will believe it when I see it.  Stay strong, and we want you to check in with us ok?  ((Hugs))

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Re: Stress for us older people

@eadu4 Thanks so much...Oh my goodness I live in south central part of Virginia not too far from NC Line....way rural in the woods on a dirt road. We got it bad last weekend. ...they say going to be worse tonite. Hope all are safe.....will try to check in as long as generator working....7-10 days ughhh. Very long day eh?  

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Re: Stress for us older people

Maybe we need to let this pandemic give us pause to think about and be more empatheric to lots of people going forward.   Some people have lost family before this all started.  Some haven't had family for a long time.


If you had older parents, that's not uncommon.  If all your cousins were the age of parents, more like aunts and uncles to you, it's not uncommon.  If you are an only child, you have a lot on your shoulders as you age.


Lots of people you never thought about before have been stressed to the max for years for many reasons--loss of family, illness, estrangement and such.  Their choices are pretty much buck up and carry on or not.


Maybe we are learning to walk in someone else's shoes now.  I know I have. 



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Re: Stress for us older people

@Sugipine wrote:

I'm actually enjoying the peace and quiet. I don't miss going into stores and I don't miss the hectic traffic. I don't have family and I have very few friends so things for me have not changed much. It's less stressful for me anyway.

@Sugipine    yes... most of my "friends" are just online friends. No personal friends.  I like it that way. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Stress for us older people

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@goldensrbest wrote:

I see many talking about how the young are experiencing mental health issues ,because of school being remote,  i get that, but what about the older people ,being away from family ,not being able to get out to stores like we use to ,just bringing up ,because it is a real problem.

















This isn't about you.




This is about all of the poor, lonely elderly people who can't leave their homes.







I live in the state of California.








Wait a minute.  Aren't you also missing someone?  You know, the sky looks different.....


So where's your compassion?


I believe she's older than you.  She's just posting about older people.  She didn't speak specifically about herself.


She didn't make this thread about her.


She's speaking about older people and how they are having a hard time of it.


What would you have to say to a poster who spoke rudely to your father like this?  Think about it.


And you live in CA?  So what?  

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Re: Stress for us older people

Absolutely it is a stress on older people.  This is acknowledged and talked about, to my knowledge.  No solution, unfortunately.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Stress for us older people

@Stormygirl I have faith you got this!!  :-)  I'm in No.Va so we have been pretty untouched by all this.  I do remember growing up in No.Burlington, Vt. near Lake Champlain.  Bitter cold winters and lots of snow.  NH wasn't too much better after we moved.  Got through plenty of blizzards.  But hang in there.  I see next week is supposed to be in the 50s!!  And i'm not "rural" but I'm not in the big city either.  Sending warmth, strength and prayers the incoming storm passes by without a huge impact.  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Stress for us older people

@Isobel Archer wrote:

@goldensrbest wrote:

Am i the only person that understands why teachers need to get the vaccines, before schools opening up?

Am I the only one who is angry that the teachers here  got the vaccines and now still refuse to go back until all children are also vaccinated?


If they knew they were going to continue to refuse to go back - since there is currently no vaccine for kids - then why demand to jump the line to get vaccinated before even the 75+ folks?

That i agree with, after getting the vaccines,they should return.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.