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Re: Stress for us older people

@Stormygirl wrote:

I get it...I think everyone is stressed. We havent had electrical power here since last Saturday, could be another 7-10 days before we get power am writing this on generator. We have no heat, no way to cook anything....looks like a bomb went off back here so many trees and power lines down. Besides the covid crisis tonights storm is predicted to be worse then last weekend. Even my morphine pump isnt helping, Im in so much pain. Have considered I may not make it thru this.....hgonestly at this point I dont even care anymore. Im done with living in this manner. My best to all of you in the eye of the storms. Im cold.....hungry and miserable. Im sorry.....just venting.  xxxx Love Stormy

Prayers and good vibes going out to you Stormy!  I can't imagine the level of stress you must be under now. I have frozen pipes so no hot water and that makes me angry but still have cold waer so it could be worse. Hoping you have power back very soon!

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Re: Stress for us older people

It has not really affected my life other than not shopping as much( probably a good thing).  I do not have children,  or any  family that I  miss or see anyway.... so that is not an issue....


  The good thing about being 65 and older in my state is that both DH and I got our vaccine shots. So that is actually a stress reliever or sorts!    It was a good thing being a senior citizen.

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Re: Stress for us older people

@Stormygirl wrote:

I get it...I think everyone is stressed. We havent had electrical power here since last Saturday, could be another 7-10 days before we get power am writing this on generator. We have no heat, no way to cook anything....looks like a bomb went off back here so many trees and power lines down. Besides the covid crisis tonights storm is predicted to be worse then last weekend. Even my morphine pump isnt helping, Im in so much pain. Have considered I may not make it thru this.....hgonestly at this point I dont even care anymore. Im done with living in this manner. My best to all of you in the eye of the storms. Im cold.....hungry and miserable. Im sorry.....just venting.  xxxx Love Stormy




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Re: Stress for us older people

Not all older people are stressed.   


I'm 78 - live in Manhattan.  After the initial outrage of the shutdown - things really haven't been all that bad for me.


No relatives live in the area - so we still communicate like always - online.  


Two of our groups have not been able to meet - due to the nature of our work ... but a third has been meeting via Zoon - and very productive.


Friends all live in the area and we see each other regularly at church (which has been open since July 4th wekend), run into each other on the street, stores, park. I'm in walking distance to stores - deli is around the corner, others just down the street.  During the summer - lots of outdoor lunches.  Restaurants re-opened a couple of days ago.


Zoom meetings.  Birthday party in the park.  Online courses, webinars, webcasts.  All sorts of live-streamed events.  There were a couple of Zoom "mardi gras" parties last night!


Getting out to the stores isn't an issue here.  I live in walking distance of stores.  I've been to the dentist (twice), audiologist (twice).  Take the bus frequently to get around town.  My doctor's office is just around the corner.


AND - I've finished making several sweaters, a couple of afghans, worked on my genealogy research, tackled some projects that I had been avoiding for yars.  


Here - life goes on.  

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Re: Stress for us older people

Oh, @Stormygirl .......could you call someone who could help you in such a predicament.  Even if it's just to notify someone of your situation.  I would think your situation should be a priority.....maybe even someone here who lives close to you?? Just trying to think how you could get help.  I am praying for you.  Please keep us posted.

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Re: Stress for us older people

I'm actually enjoying the peace and quiet. I don't miss going into stores and I don't miss the hectic traffic. I don't have family and I have very few friends so things for me have not changed much. It's less stressful for me anyway.

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Re: Stress for us older people

@goldensrbest wrote:

I see many talking about how the young are experiencing mental health issues ,because of school being remote,  i get that, but what about the older people ,being away from family ,not being able to get out to stores like we use to ,just bringing up ,because it is a real problem.

















This isn't about you.




This is about all of the poor, lonely elderly people who can't leave their homes.







I live in the state of California.








The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: Stress for us older people

Kids are our next generation, we should be concerned about their stress.  Kids should not have stress, they should not have to deal with grown up problems at a young age.


I agree with @ALRATIBA 


My life hasn't changed much.   Being retired I can be more flexible than working parents with school age children.   


I am a firm believer in social distancing and as much as possible, I've practiced it for about the past 10 years due to flu.  I've practiced good hygiene all my life.   


I've been in the emergency room, been in-patient twice, eaten out in restaurants, did my own grocery shopping, shopped some sales and even gone to the casino a couple of times.    I haven't had the vaccine, I may get it this summer or at least after some of this chaos has passed.


If I'm feeling any stress it's over the skyrocketing costs of everything.   I'm trying to live on a fixed income but it's not working out that way now.   I can handle that stress.


If I am faced with a problem, I fix it or work around it.   I don't stress about it.

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Re: Stress for us older people

@jubilant  aww thanks so much you are very sweet and caring. I thought growing up an orphan and homeless was a challenge....not even close to what is happening this week...year. I think maybe when one is young we have a stronger fortitude, survival instinct......truth is I have no family....ever. I may call the sheriff to check on me after tonites worse storm rolls least I have a husband but he will be stuck at work saving the plant I guess. If it wasnt for the pain being in palliative care/hospice I think things would be better. There are thousands withoiut power here and everyone is stretched to the limit. Hotels are full going north and south for hours. Just hoping trees dont fall on the home is my worst fear....being cold is an old familiar bad feeling...although Im not taking it as well these days. Thanks....will hopefully have enough gas in generator to let you know Ive made it thru tonites new ice storm. Hugs xxxxx Love Stormy

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Re: Stress for us older people

@goldensrbest Why do they need the vaccines first?  You have had store workers in the middle of this since day ONE.   They see thousands of different people every week.  These teachers will be with the LOWEST risk group of this whole thing and the same ones over and over.  i don't hear store employees demanding they need the shot before they will go in and work.   There are a whole lot of schools that HAVE been open with zero issues.  So I ask again why do they need the vaccine before others that have been working this whole time with thousands of others and these teachers have been sitting at home remote teaching?  BTW I can guarantee a whole lot of them were out and about in stores.  Yes there is a whole lot of depression going around.  Young people are not as well equiped as some with these feelings.  Old people are not as technology savy enough to reach out in the many ways that we can now.  But teachers?  They want to be essential but they have not stepped up to the plate.  Essential people have been out and about.